You wouldn't wanna play the piano with gloves, would you? So NO CONDOM (allthough only because my gf takes the pill and we both agreed that that's enough of a protection, as we both don't have any STDs. Else I'd definately go with them).
The Rock and Dwayne Johnson are the same guy. If you have seen wrestling from 1996-2004, you may remember Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and if you happened to see "The Scorpion King", "Doom", "Mummy Returns", "Game Plan" or "Get Smart", Dwayne Johnson acted in those movies.
So, with the question I meant the same guy as a wrestler or as an actor, in short words
Job, because Uni takes youre money, and leaves you in debt, while a job gives you money, and you come out of Uni only to find nobody wants to employ you.