Well here's an interesting twist, My Grandad rang up (he's big into astrology and physics) and said that its Sirius. He's a member of a specialist star watching thing and apparently its not Venus.
Depends where or when you're looking. Venus is the most obvious object in the early night (or dusk) sky at the moment I believe. Brighter than sirius. Cue The Alan Parsons Project anyway though.
Almost certainly Venus. It has phases like the moon, and because it orbits the distance varies by a massive amount, both of these effects make its apparent brightness vary a lot too.
if you print out the sky chart and held it directly above you, the chart is correct, just as if you layed it on the floor and looked at it.......its "wrong" (east, west)
For any future questions about stars and beyond this program could be very useful for you: It's called "Stellarium", for free and open source - I've been using it for some years now and, like LFS, there's one or two updates a year.
When you say arse do you mean the rear end becuase in different places arse means different things. If it does mean want i think it is yes my rea end hurts as i just went and had some Snowboarding lessons and i have a rear end that HURTS.