The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you want of the following :

XRT only
FXO only
Neither of the ones above, please post a comment and describe why / giving a suggestion
I'll be in in 5 minutes
My computer's doing that fan thing again so I can't come on
After talking with the very end, i decided i give the noobs team my layouts i made for rally and can be used as derby layouts too. So pls others do not edit this layouts or use it online.

Edit: Tve got the lays , so i remove attachment.
Uhm my game crashed, and computer making sounds, seems to be a overheat issue I have to fix now lol..

Sever is up, so your for taking, just have fun - I need to get this computer in better shape before it melts. Currently running 75C if windows temperature is right.
Dw, your game didn't get crashed, you got kicked by a certain someone....
Attached images
Yeah, don´t be such a crybaby.
My fan's working again now... and everyone's gone
Hehe, well, but after I left the server the game crashed when it's whent to menu. Got this usual "lfs error" something, like the standard pop-up from windows. Now I don't really care if I was kicked, I would basically just laught about it But when I randomly heared some strange reasons after it crashed back to desctop I checked the temperature, and it was very hot. Have tried some various things now, but still idle is 70+C. Will open up the whole shitty computer and blow compressed air on the parts to clean it from the dust. One year since I did that, so most likely I might half the temperature just by doing that. If not..well then I need to do more drastically stuff, and I don't want that
Do you need to borrow the right...tool?
Do you need the right tool for ass pleasurement?

Neverthless, going to blow the shit out of the computer now with the compressed air, let's hope it's better so I can play again.
Quote from The Very End :Do you need the right tool for ass pleasurement?

Neverthless, going to blow the shit out of the computer now with the compressed air, let's hope it's better so I can play again.


Dont break it! Then you would need a whole tool box.
Shut it

Neverthless, that compressed air did the trick, so now I am going online again. Let's have some fun on the DD server
Thanks, will put it on now.
Damn the wireless connection of mine!

I would love to stay but the connection's driving me mad

I will make some DD-style layouts later.
Quote from Jon606 :Damn the wireless connection of mine!

I would love to stay but the connection's driving me mad

I will make some DD-style layouts later.

Not missing out on much!!!!!!!!!
Here are 2 layouts I made, one is a destruction derby arena on the skidpan, the other is a rallycross version of Aston Cadet Reversed.
Attached files
AS1R_Rallycross.lyt - 1.7 KB - 246 views
AU2_Battle Arena.lyt - 1012 B - 256 views
Thanks for the contribution, I'll download them and we can test them one evening
Anyone thought about making a DD-Race on a South-City track?
I mean, it could be an interesting track for a destruction derby race. Its tight, short and that would lead into a lot of combat.
It has even some fast parts, which are very important for a DD-Track if you ask me. I just like high speed crashes

What do you guys think about it?
Until people realise that DD isn't about ramming people in T1 at 120mph, South City wouldn't work.
I have made LY for So1 that could work.
We could try that this weekend to see if there is a good mix.
Quote from Nopie1 :Anyone thought about making a DD-Race on a South-City track?
I mean, it could be an interesting track for a destruction derby race. Its tight, short and that would lead into a lot of combat.
It has even some fast parts, which are very important for a DD-Track if you ask me. I just like high speed crashes

What do you guys think about it?

We did do races on South City Classic, but it seems to have disappeared from the track selection, i.e. no one wants to race on it anymore. It's either Fern Bay Club Reverse with the hillclimb or Kyoto Oval with any sort of layout on.

Here's an idea: why not try out a track we haven't had on the server? Like Aston Cadet or (dare I say) Westhill.
Or how about a track without layout for a cahnge?
My pc will be happier for sure
so no DD before next weekend?
unless TVE stops wanking everyday at work.