Hi everyone !
Each of you knows that team Scavier stated a while ago that community content "if allowed, won't be there until S3". As time flows by, Scavier must know more and more that community content will be in an undertermined future one of the main feature for LFS's survival.
Indeed, through opinions shared on this forum concerning the rate of progress, I am sure that the team knows that to keep up the pace with a broader competition (iRacing, rFactor, nKPro...) they will have either to increase the number of programmers, modellers or allow our large community to include 'homemade' contents.
Since the tripartite organization, really supported by team Scavier, is an organization pattern which purposes and outputs are understandable and efficient (less people so a better quality control, which is the main aspect of Live For Speed), there are two alternatives left : allow independent teams to work on sub-projects (which I doubt will be used again since the failure of the RallyPack project) or allow users to create personal content, via editors provided by the Scavier team itself.
The point of this thread is not to weighs the pros and cons of having a community edition system (please check the thread : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=52896). The point of this thread is to submit different ways an editor system could be implemented while respecting the general idea of what Live For Speed is.
(Please keep this in mind as I don't want this topic to be a war between pro and anti editors points of view, and I will ask the moderation team to remove flame spam if needed).
So, the question is, in your opinion : Can you think of a system of editors for Live For Speed, upon a series of criteria? (Those criteria being :
- What should the editors be allowed to create? (Cars, tracks, IA patterns, UI menus, classes, car parts, minor physics upgrades?)
- To which extent the editors would help the user in the process of creation? (only helping to incorporate custom made models, by adding some physical values to them, or assisting the user in the process of designing like Bob's track builder, and a simple creation editor for cars with a choice between type of parts and easy modelling like BeSpoke?)
- How would other users get the created content? (mandatory download each time you connect a server, or a new category in LFSWorld with links for the downloads)
- What means of control should there be to ensure the quality of the content is sufficiently high and that it respects the spirit of Live For Speed? (either a review by Scavier itself, a review by a list of designated people, designated either by the devs or by the community, or a peer-reviewed system?)
Please note that the criteria list is not yet defined, and I hope that within this thread people will provide other intersting criterias that we could add to this list. Please remember as well that the list of ideas to match the criterias are not 'options', they are just here to give a more precise idea of what criteria is dealing with what.
I started this topic with the intent of a mature discussion, so I, the mods, and other posters will surely appreciate it it stayed so.
Good deliberation !
Summary of the ideas posted so far (please tell me if the summary I did misses a point of your thought
) :
- evilpimp : "Improved AutoX editor" - A very large square of asphalt with the ability of drawing lines and curves (borders of the track), adding elements such as curbs and grass (presumably with all the existing feature of the layout builder). Supposedly working on a single, new, built on purpose area. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055378#post1055378
- The Very End : "Tool to create cars and tracks from scratch" - A program that could/would be released ASAP by the devs allowing users with knowledge in programming and modelling, which outputs would be limited to offline gameplay. Possibility of online support if the work or part of it is approved by the devs themselves. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055461#post1055461
- TagForce : "Concerns about licensing issues" - Any real life content (cars, venues, etc) would face licensing issues if it had to be approved by the developpers, which jeopardize their inclusion without strict conditions about the licenses. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055542#post1055542 + Mods can not change the original files of LFS nor the physics, should be available unlimitedly for offline play and require approval from a dedicated team in order to get playable online. They should be available only on an unofficial site for the online-able mods and not for auto-download each time you join a server. It would require server-side check to ensure the mod is authorized online. The editors may be in a Bob's Track Builder pattern, with the option of modding them/creating new ones. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055973#post1055973
- duke_toaster : "Standardized programs" - Mods would be able to create cars and track and possibly minor changes in the game (AI). The editors would be available in standardized tools : a 3D modeller and a program like VHPA to include physics data to the cars. The mods will be downlodable with the main LFS file and would have two levels of approval : a team of moderators dans designed community people, then a final approval by Scavier. Any real-life content could be made with an authorization from its owner (and the person would photocopying the letter to Scavier). Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055950#post1055950
Each of you knows that team Scavier stated a while ago that community content "if allowed, won't be there until S3". As time flows by, Scavier must know more and more that community content will be in an undertermined future one of the main feature for LFS's survival.
Indeed, through opinions shared on this forum concerning the rate of progress, I am sure that the team knows that to keep up the pace with a broader competition (iRacing, rFactor, nKPro...) they will have either to increase the number of programmers, modellers or allow our large community to include 'homemade' contents.
Since the tripartite organization, really supported by team Scavier, is an organization pattern which purposes and outputs are understandable and efficient (less people so a better quality control, which is the main aspect of Live For Speed), there are two alternatives left : allow independent teams to work on sub-projects (which I doubt will be used again since the failure of the RallyPack project) or allow users to create personal content, via editors provided by the Scavier team itself.
The point of this thread is not to weighs the pros and cons of having a community edition system (please check the thread : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=52896). The point of this thread is to submit different ways an editor system could be implemented while respecting the general idea of what Live For Speed is.
(Please keep this in mind as I don't want this topic to be a war between pro and anti editors points of view, and I will ask the moderation team to remove flame spam if needed).
So, the question is, in your opinion : Can you think of a system of editors for Live For Speed, upon a series of criteria? (Those criteria being :
- What should the editors be allowed to create? (Cars, tracks, IA patterns, UI menus, classes, car parts, minor physics upgrades?)
- To which extent the editors would help the user in the process of creation? (only helping to incorporate custom made models, by adding some physical values to them, or assisting the user in the process of designing like Bob's track builder, and a simple creation editor for cars with a choice between type of parts and easy modelling like BeSpoke?)
- How would other users get the created content? (mandatory download each time you connect a server, or a new category in LFSWorld with links for the downloads)
- What means of control should there be to ensure the quality of the content is sufficiently high and that it respects the spirit of Live For Speed? (either a review by Scavier itself, a review by a list of designated people, designated either by the devs or by the community, or a peer-reviewed system?)
Please note that the criteria list is not yet defined, and I hope that within this thread people will provide other intersting criterias that we could add to this list. Please remember as well that the list of ideas to match the criterias are not 'options', they are just here to give a more precise idea of what criteria is dealing with what.
I started this topic with the intent of a mature discussion, so I, the mods, and other posters will surely appreciate it it stayed so.
Good deliberation !
Summary of the ideas posted so far (please tell me if the summary I did misses a point of your thought

- evilpimp : "Improved AutoX editor" - A very large square of asphalt with the ability of drawing lines and curves (borders of the track), adding elements such as curbs and grass (presumably with all the existing feature of the layout builder). Supposedly working on a single, new, built on purpose area. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055378#post1055378
- The Very End : "Tool to create cars and tracks from scratch" - A program that could/would be released ASAP by the devs allowing users with knowledge in programming and modelling, which outputs would be limited to offline gameplay. Possibility of online support if the work or part of it is approved by the devs themselves. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055461#post1055461
- TagForce : "Concerns about licensing issues" - Any real life content (cars, venues, etc) would face licensing issues if it had to be approved by the developpers, which jeopardize their inclusion without strict conditions about the licenses. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055542#post1055542 + Mods can not change the original files of LFS nor the physics, should be available unlimitedly for offline play and require approval from a dedicated team in order to get playable online. They should be available only on an unofficial site for the online-able mods and not for auto-download each time you join a server. It would require server-side check to ensure the mod is authorized online. The editors may be in a Bob's Track Builder pattern, with the option of modding them/creating new ones. Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055973#post1055973
- duke_toaster : "Standardized programs" - Mods would be able to create cars and track and possibly minor changes in the game (AI). The editors would be available in standardized tools : a 3D modeller and a program like VHPA to include physics data to the cars. The mods will be downlodable with the main LFS file and would have two levels of approval : a team of moderators dans designed community people, then a final approval by Scavier. Any real-life content could be made with an authorization from its owner (and the person would photocopying the letter to Scavier). Post : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1055950#post1055950