The online racing simulator
My first crash ._.
(81 posts, started )
Ow just watched it.

Not good man. Hopefully you were physically fine (was that the one you posted about here a while ago?)

Miniupdate for mah bike. Parts arrived today (yayness in a can), the nice bloke dropped them round for me. Will be fitting them on Thursday, shouldn't take more than a couple of hours (hardest part is doing all the bearings and crap). :woohoo:
instead of making a new thread i remembered this thread so i'll say it here.

Today while i was snowboarrding for the second time in my life i broke my shoulder so i won't be on LFS for a month or so. So ya i'll be posting a little less on the forums as i have type with my left hand only as i'm right handed and my whole arm is in a sling
And yes i'm in pain and my whole body is in some pain as crashing when learning to board.
Ouch.. Hope the recovery goes well!
Quote from Klutch do you lose the back end of a FWD on a freeway, unless you were doing something stupid?
Also 150kph...speeding...

Oh, thats right, I'd forgotten you're better than everyone else.

But in all seriousness, doing 95 in the rain on public roads seems kind of stupid. I'm sitting here reading from Taruffi's book. The co-efficients of Smooth asphalt is.7 VS wet asphalt at .4. Thats not factoring in other things like oil or road debris. You're life, fine. But dont endanger others.
Quote from swisscosmo :instead of making a new thread i remembered this thread so i'll say it here.

Today while i was snowboarrding for the second time in my life i broke my shoulder so i won't be on LFS for a month or so. So ya i'll be posting a little less on the forums as i have type with my left hand only as i'm right handed and my whole arm is in a sling
And yes i'm in pain and my whole body is in some pain as crashing when learning to board.

Eep, hope you get better quick!

My first crash ._.
(81 posts, started )