I was following the other thread about FSX, and all I can say is that I'm happy to see some flightsim lovers over here 
If you fly with IL2-Sturmovik 1946, you only have to download one single patch (4.08m) and you're ready to go.
There's a 4.09m patch out too, but it's still a beta.
To fly online I connect through HyperLobby. Lots of servers available with all sort of difficulty settings.
IL2-Sturmovik 1946 is the BEST combat flight simulator, period!
And it's not that easy on high settings. Watch out for its (sooner or later) upcoming sequel, Sow:BoB (Storm of War:Battle of Britain).
...or, if you prefer more relaxed flying-conditions, Rise Of Flight (still in development).
1946 UBI forums
1C (developer) forum
AAA - All Aircraft Acade - Beautiful Unofficial Mods for 1946

If you fly with IL2-Sturmovik 1946, you only have to download one single patch (4.08m) and you're ready to go.
There's a 4.09m patch out too, but it's still a beta.
To fly online I connect through HyperLobby. Lots of servers available with all sort of difficulty settings.
IL2-Sturmovik 1946 is the BEST combat flight simulator, period!
And it's not that easy on high settings. Watch out for its (sooner or later) upcoming sequel, Sow:BoB (Storm of War:Battle of Britain).
...or, if you prefer more relaxed flying-conditions, Rise Of Flight (still in development).
1946 UBI forums
1C (developer) forum
AAA - All Aircraft Acade - Beautiful Unofficial Mods for 1946