Anyone expecting this one? Should be released in March, for PC
. I've only discover the series myself in the last year or so, and I find the game-play very addictive, it must be the inner conquer/ruling instinct man has.
Expecting it to be good as Medieval II I'm playing at the moment, where the only thing I hate (so far) is the Pope, as he doesn't let me teach the damn French some manners, I made you Pope show some respect and be a puppet! Well, the AI is a bit passive in battles, but it just might be me being impatient.
More than a Pope free environment, and maybe a better AI. I'm really really interested to see how firearms and unit formations work (or worked) on the battlefield, I've always thought it as the silliest way to have a fight, standing there waiting to be shot at. I just can't wait to see how it's like. Also, as a totally new feature it has naval battles, as those were a important aspect on 18th to 19th century warfare, should also be interesting and spectacular, and very heavy on your machine I guess.
Any thoughts?
And here is a link to wikipedia if you don't have any idea what is this

Expecting it to be good as Medieval II I'm playing at the moment, where the only thing I hate (so far) is the Pope, as he doesn't let me teach the damn French some manners, I made you Pope show some respect and be a puppet! Well, the AI is a bit passive in battles, but it just might be me being impatient.
More than a Pope free environment, and maybe a better AI. I'm really really interested to see how firearms and unit formations work (or worked) on the battlefield, I've always thought it as the silliest way to have a fight, standing there waiting to be shot at. I just can't wait to see how it's like. Also, as a totally new feature it has naval battles, as those were a important aspect on 18th to 19th century warfare, should also be interesting and spectacular, and very heavy on your machine I guess.
Any thoughts?
And here is a link to wikipedia if you don't have any idea what is this