The online racing simulator

Poll : Most likely 'mechanical' improvements within 2 patches?

Better damage model (detachable wings/parts)
Multilink Suspensions
Coolant temperature/engine wear
More realistic turbo simulation
Improved longitudinal traction curve
Improved Dampers (Fast/Slow)
Progressive Springs
Other (please post your forecast)
Most likely 'mechanical' improvements within 2 patches?
So we know Scawen has been working on the 'mechanical side' of LFS and the suspensions of the Scirocco, but he also talked about other improvements which are planned for inclusion in the next few patches.

What will those be?

Cast your votes
Multilink suspension as the Scirocco has it, and damage modelling because Scawen suggested it may happen in the future.
can we place our bets and win anything?
#4 - Byku
Scawen said in December that VWC had dual wishbones in the back(in LFS, not in RL :razz, and that he would like to work on more types of suspensions in the future. So maybe we will get multilink... but only maybe ^^.

Here's what he said:
Voted "other" since there wasn´t an option for "none".
Voted for slow/fast dumpers & improved turbo. Not my wishlist, just blind feeling.

Oh Kalev, go be emo somewhere else!:chairs:
With what scawen hinted, the next two improvements will be multilink suspensions and a better damage system.

I doubt they will come in the next two patches though.
I hope for Improved longitudinal traction curve ...

Next two patches will take a while, I guess

I think it would have one of the biggest effects of the list, because it's an improvement of the basic tyre physics, which affects everything ...
first choice, Damage. We need more realistic damage asap! Scratches, parts falling off, and even cars being totalled! Damages along the lines of burnout paradise, but with the physics of GRiD will make it great!

Second choice, Turbo fix. I need to have a proper feeling of a turbo kickin' in!
I voted for turbo and engine heat/damage modelling.
(PaulH) DELETED by PaulH
@OP: You forgot the mighty AIs!!!
Quote from Kalev EST :Voted "other" since there wasn´t an option for "none".


Next patch - VWS
2nd patch - the rest of the interiors

If the poll was a wish list I'd have to go for this order:

1. Body damage
2. Engine wear
3. Traction curve
Personally I mainly miss not mechanical updates but dynamic weather changing which could do from this sim something a lot of more enjoyable. I hope that sometimes, doesn't matter when, I will be driving a wet race and doing mistakes because of too much water on the track.
Voted for all
#18 - 5haz
There will be more speed to live for in the next patch.
Quote from RedCoupe :

I'm only talking about the crash physics, which are OK. (at least compared to the rest of it.)

Quote from Bandit77 :do you usually bet on the team you whish to win or that's likely to win?

Seriously, I want more realistic crash physics anyway.
Quote from Bandit77 :do you usually bet on the team you whish to win or that's likely to win?

Depends on if money is involved.
Quote from HVS5b :If the poll was a wish list I'd have to go for this order:

Judging from the replies, many appear to have interpreted it more so rather than a forecast (some replies even go beyond about the mechanical bit), but the results are very interesting nonetheless.

I'm wondering whether the damage model has got so many votes because it's long due (if so it would have been interesting to throw the Rally Pack in the list ) or rather because it's a very desirable improvement. My guesstimate is roughly half and half

Many are betting on Multilink Suspensions, but I guess a number still thinks a single plane representation of Multilink isn't going to be much different from the double wishbone approximation that was to be included in 0.6A originally.

Keep the votes coming
Yet another topic on what we want to see in LFS.
Wasn't there a subforum for this already? Improvement suggestions?

The more you hype yourself up, the more disappointed you are going to be.

Face the patch with low, pessimistic expectations, and you will probably be happy with the outcome.

voted for other = none
#23 - Byku
Quote from NightShift :Judging from the....

Double wishbones in LFS are working in 3d environment, Scawen said so long time ago(when introducing progress to S2), they are only shown in 2d to make it more... umm... clear for a simple user .
Quote from NightShift :I'm wondering whether the damage model has got so many votes because it's long due (if so it would have been interesting to throw the Rally Pack in the list ) or rather because it's a very desirable improvement. My guesstimate is roughly half and half

Well I thought the question was which one we thought would be next, and since Scawen has specifically mentioned working on damage not too long ago, I'd bet money that some kind of damage model update is in the works. You never can tell with LFS development though.
Other (please post your forecast)

It'll say © Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey, Victor van Vlaardingen 2003-2010..

Just kidding :o

Multilink Suspensions
More realistic turbo simulation
Better damage model (detachable wings/parts)
Improved longitudinal traction curve

Multilink because the VW has them, if I recall correctly. Same goes for the turbo simulation, and I'm sure Scawen won't overlook the traction curve either.