some of you are certainly familiar with or annoyed by shortcutting cars in online races, which in case of KY3/R and its well-known bugs even renders comparability between WR and PB times useless. To address this problem and stop people from exploiting track design flaws, I decided to overhaul existing layouts from my previous events, add missing ones and offer them to the community. You may or may not agree with every modification, but this pack is based on experience as both driver and race administrator, tested and meets my current layout requirements (practicability, safety, appearance). It is aimed primarily at leagues and organized events - higher-standard public servers should also work, but unlike e. g. the former CTRA, not all shortcuts are completely blocked to preserve run-off areas.
Except for KY1/R (alternative), open configurations and the dragstrips, all tracks plus reverse configurations are included and follow a standardized design that should be clear from this picture. This layout pack is released as public domain, so feel free to use and adapt it to your needs.
Kind Regards
Status: supported
v1.00 '09-01-30: Initial release
v1.01 '09-03-03: BL1/R updated (excessive chicane cutting more common than expected)
v1.02 '09-05-31: Minor changes to KY2/R
v1.03 '09-08-02: Minor changes to FE2/4/R
v1.04 '09-11-12: Added some tyre stacks to stop wrong way drivers at WE1
v1.04 '10-07-12: Corrected a typo in the zip archive
v1.05 '11-02-10: Minor changes to several layouts
v1.06 '11-06-30: Several layouts updated for 0.6B
search engine tags: shortcut, cutting, cut corner, league administration
NC_pack 1.06 (16 KB)
some of you are certainly familiar with or annoyed by shortcutting cars in online races, which in case of KY3/R and its well-known bugs even renders comparability between WR and PB times useless. To address this problem and stop people from exploiting track design flaws, I decided to overhaul existing layouts from my previous events, add missing ones and offer them to the community. You may or may not agree with every modification, but this pack is based on experience as both driver and race administrator, tested and meets my current layout requirements (practicability, safety, appearance). It is aimed primarily at leagues and organized events - higher-standard public servers should also work, but unlike e. g. the former CTRA, not all shortcuts are completely blocked to preserve run-off areas.
Except for KY1/R (alternative), open configurations and the dragstrips, all tracks plus reverse configurations are included and follow a standardized design that should be clear from this picture. This layout pack is released as public domain, so feel free to use and adapt it to your needs.
Kind Regards
Status: supported
v1.00 '09-01-30: Initial release
v1.01 '09-03-03: BL1/R updated (excessive chicane cutting more common than expected)
v1.02 '09-05-31: Minor changes to KY2/R
v1.03 '09-08-02: Minor changes to FE2/4/R
v1.04 '09-11-12: Added some tyre stacks to stop wrong way drivers at WE1
v1.04 '10-07-12: Corrected a typo in the zip archive
v1.05 '11-02-10: Minor changes to several layouts
v1.06 '11-06-30: Several layouts updated for 0.6B
search engine tags: shortcut, cutting, cut corner, league administration
NC_pack 1.06 (16 KB)