The online racing simulator
Saving fuel % with the setup, and setup folders
Apologies if this has been mentioned... It would be very handy if you could save your fuel and pit strategy with your setup. This would reduce accidentally launching into a race with the wrong fuel load (from a previous race). Then we could make multiple setups for a track for different race lengths and save time on load.

Additionally, a folder-based mechanism for organizing the setups would be great. It's a nice touch that you already see the setups only for the selected car. Let's extend this and allow for folder creations. Take it a step further and properly named setup folders could be treated just as setups are now, with the appropriate track folder contents appearing when a user picks a track/car combo.

Thx for this chance to contribute!
#2 - Gunn
Check this topic.

And perhaps this one relates to your suggestion sas well, or may be of interest.
I also posted about this on rsc.
its very annoying, and needs to be fixed.