No, he's in some make believe playground touching aload of kids...
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I do believe the devs will say "put up or shut up" as their methord of development for LFS is well known.

While that is a bit harsh I agree.

The way I see is like this: When Coke tried to change their recipe for Coca-Cola in the 80's it was a horrible, horrible idea. Eventually they were forced to revert back to their old ways. You see company's do it all the time. They get to point where they are too big and have poor communication leading to bad decisions. This strength in size and numbers inevitably hurts them in the long run. They are either forced out of business or forced to "downsized" (<- We here this a lot) to same size as they were before or smaller. Look at the financial system here in the US... bailouts because they are too big to fail, but if they were allowed to fail they would either disappear or change to fit the needs of the economy. Now I'm not saying that creating new positions for development of LFS would be bad, but it seems it would change the current layout that works for the devs and for us the consumers even though some of us can't see it. I haven't seen any bad decisions from the LFS team. The way that LFS is produced works well. Period.

Jay Odom
any more hints on when its going to be out?
Next week is Friday.
Quote from Dazmyster :any more hints on when its going to be out?

It will be released on... drumroll please... a Friday.
I found this interesting. It's from an interview with Austin Meyer, the developer of Xplane which in many ways has similar design philosophies to LFS.

Quote :
Q: What are the key new features that will be introduced in v9 this year?

Austin: Sorry!
I only talk about new features 5 seconds AFTER they are released.
Simple: The moment i SAY that a new feature will exist, everyone builds it up in their mind as the most important thing EVER, and they imagine the PERFECT implementation of that feature... and they imagine it being ready NOW.
Then, no matter how quickly I release it, and how good a job I do with it, it is never QUITE good enough, soon enough, so the WORK i do results in COMPLAINTS, not sales.

So, I am perfectly happy to tell you what features are in X-Plane... 5 seconds AFTER they are released!

It's certainly not only LFS that is afflicted with this 'syndrome'.
New VWS has been costed so much time!

So many bugs.....I hate bugs

I hope we can race VWS in Feb.
Wooow, it still isn´t out. Heard about this car along time ago and though it was by now.

Wait some more then.
Why you can build a Skyscraper in a amuse post....
It has been delayed by snow, sorry.

I can imagine the fanfare when it does get released though, I can see certain people going mad like 5 year old kids, then probrably crying that there is a ridiculously minor bug somewhere.
Quote from 5haz :It has been delayed by snow, sorry.

I can imagine the fanfare when it does get released though, I can see certain people going mad like 5 year old kids, then probrably crying that there is a ridiculously minor bug somewhere.

WOW!! Today were a lot of snow at England (London appeared on some Spanish channels). Did your England channels emited some images of Spain? Yesterday it snowed too much in Madrid, which it is very rare, one time each five or six years...

PD: Your post remember me to think if the new Scirocco will have snow chains for bad weather
Global warming or global colding?
Well he's got a point. Why the big deal?
I don't think the Scirocco is the problem, the patch that should come with it is....
So when is the Scirroco due?
I know it was postponed in december, but I was wondering If anyone has hear any news latley about the progress, when are we getting the car?
Whenever Scawen feels like it.

If only you bothered to read the forum you'd understand.

Failing that, there's been plenty of discussion within threads about the progress of the Scirocco. It'll be out when it's ready. Not before.
Quote from Gills4life :Global warming or global colding?

You see....for a while everyone screamed global the 70's it was global cooling..... They have since started singing "climate change" as their new slogan for placing controls over the populations.

Prepare for the new world order......
yup, a nice thing for s1's
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