Phew, just got back from sledging! I'm pretty sure I have the best sledging hill - it's really steep and pretty long, which makes it very dangerous...

No major injuries (the worst two...I fell off sideways and caught my knee in a rabbit hole or something, sending me flying and almost breaking my leg!

I recovered from that and tried what looked like quite a big jump, but it was more like a wall - a large rock, in fact. It probably looked quite funny, I hit it with my feet first, my sledge stopped dead, and I sort of stood upright then went flying forwards!)
Surprising really, as there was very little snow, none at all in places, making for a very bumpy ride. Last year, when there was lots of snow, someone broke their neck! They had a soft landing, but were going so fast...

They were alright though, don't worry!
Anyone elso go sledging?