The online racing simulator
Kirmelius's setups
(2 posts, started )
Kirmelius's real life car setups
Ok, the 1st my set is XFG 1991 Toyota Corolla 1,3 FI. I had put on intake restriction, so it has the same power (74HP) as a toyota, but a bit less torque, bexause XFG has different power/torque curve and different redline. Transmission is made by wikipedia. Suspension is made by me, because i hadn't find any info about it on the net. I made it way softer than hard track set, and it can be too soft. I sometimes drive that corolla, so i've got to say, that XFG with this set handles almost the same. 5th gear may be too fast, I don't know, because on wikipedia i found info only about first 3 gears, And IRL i haven't tried the max speed on 4th and 5th gears. If you find this set inaccurate, feel free to edit and post it here

Thanks for reading, and sorry for bad English. Bye :drink:
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XFG_corolla.set - 132 B - 1116 views
Lol, XFG with restriction is naasty thing Anyway, nice project

Kirmelius's setups
(2 posts, started )