The online racing simulator
South City Tofu Drift
(26 posts, started )
South City Tofu Drift
Well, I did something like this a while back, but I sorta refined it this time. It's still pretty much a replay but i took some more er..."creative" liberties this time around. I experimented with just a couple of angles at the start and finish, and the music is from Initial D Fourth Stage. The biggest change is that while my previous video was done with the mouse, this was done after my transition to my old momo force.
the only i liked about the film was the song... it's my fav ID song but yea, the gripping i mean the drifting is eummm not so good. u're too shy to floor the XRT. My RB4 can do better with less power.
well.. this is my feedback

I think its the boringest movie I've ever watched..
I dont usually comment on boring movies.. cause they suck. But you one good thing here.. u have quality... even tho its on videogoogle, u can tell u dont have a cheap PC... and its smooth..
u dont really find ppl that like inbetween... at all its like a whole new world in the drift world.. compared to them grippers

drift a lil better.. go online.. pull some twins.... come and edit.. use SHIFT U like u did at the end... add some camera motion make it cool.. not too much tho

I cant wait to get a better video card so i can join yall into the hight quality.. i get 30-60 fps WITH NO AA ... and no AF... so ehhhh
I would call your driving / drifting...restrained. But that is not a bad thing! Not every corner can be slid through; besides, drifting EVERY corner is silly and slow.
Quote from jayhawk :I would call your driving / drifting...restrained. But that is not a bad thing! Not every corner can be slid through; besides, drifting EVERY corner is silly and slow.

ive seen quite a few drifters constantly drift the whole section after the highway straight a lot faster than hes doing with his "restained" power overs
Quote from jayhawk :Not every corner can be slid through; besides, drifting EVERY corner is silly and slow.


It is the point of drifting. Style and speed, precision, consistency. Up to now, i've seen power-sliding a XRT. I guess it must be mostly e-braking...

Come some time to Simx or IDD drift server, we'd be more then happy to provide u with some close drifts and be welcome to spec us for tips to improve ur line and drift
Quote from jayhawk :besides, drifting EVERY corner is silly and slow.

Alot harder to get the correct line then you think...
But yeah this movie was pretty boring. I stopped watching when you didn't link the first section going onto the straight. I didn't want to see the next turn.
well i actually never thought about this before, but the reason i'm not drifting so much is i am restraining myself...mechanically. I just checked and I happened to be using a viscous lsd. I've been trying to develop a better setup using a clutch pack lsd setup, but with such a setup, I find it much easier to spin the car. It also does not seem to allow for tighter lines for whatever reason. I can get some big drifts going, but at that point, it just changes from a decent show of control into a mad ride for dear life.

In any case, I'm still working on the sets. Most of the video was more of an experiment with the wheel and heel-toe.

And no, I do not use the ebrake. I actually never use it.
I'm speechless.
The quality of the video image was very good.

The drifting, well i'm not into drift at all but it looked more like skidding to me ... maybe I still dont get the drift concept but it looked like you where reacting to a slide rather than intending to do it.
Quote from Becky Rose :but it looked like you where reacting to a slide rather than intending to do it.

thats pretty much what power over (silly name i know ... its engrish) is ... slam the foot on the gas after the apex and what your tail go wide
there a good reason most dont consider this a proper drift initiation technique (but obviously its one of the most basic techniques to angle up during a drift)
TBH, you need to work on your actual drifting. From what I've seen you grip too much of the corners (to call drifting as _drifting_ you should drift all corners from entrance to exit). About the movie part you should try to use more shift + u cameras. If you only use the default cameras, you might as well just post the mpr/spr. Don't be offended, this is all just constructive criticism.

PS. I provided a short spr replay of SO Long drifting, linking most of the corners. Try to achieve this and I will love to watch your next movie.
Attached files
SO_long_demo.spr - 107.8 KB - 293 views
Matrixi, that was awesome!

How important is the setup for that level of drifting? As in, do you have one for every course? Is every last degree of camber crucial and so on?

You've inspired me to start drifting on LFS again, spose I'll wait for the patch first though!
Quote from -DrftMstr- :Come some time to Simx or IDD drift server, we'd be more then happy to provide u with some close drifts and be welcome to spec us for tips to improve ur line and drift

How come then that whanever I go to drift servers nowadays, it is mostly people talking, doing donuts(The so called "showing off" or "dancing") or drifting rather average(or worse)? Last time I've met someone to twin drift with hapilly, was Axle one week ago. I don't think that inviting people to drift servers nowadays is a good thing.

About the movie, I agree with others.
Quote from letdown427 : How important is the setup for that level of drifting? As in, do you have one for every course? Is every last degree of camber crucial and so on?

A decent setup can help you learn faster, but it never drifts for you or makes you in to a great drifter over night. When people ask me to try their setups I notice they easily make the mistake of having too high pressures in the tires, don't go overkill with it. I'm only using 2 different sets, a slower more showier one (used in the replay above) and a faster one with lower pressures. I change between these two setups according to the person I am twinning with to keep the speed on the same level.
Quote from Matrixi :A decent setup can help you learn faster, but it never drifts for you or makes you in to a great drifter over night. When people ask me to try their setups I notice they easily make the mistake of having too high pressures in the tires, don't go overkill with it. I'm only using 2 different sets, a slower more showier one (used in the replay above) and a faster one with lower pressures. I change between these two setups according to the person I am twinning with to keep the speed on the same level.

OK cool, I wasn't looking for a set to do it for me, I'm happy to practice practice practice, I just didn't want to be practising for ages only to find that I'm never going to get to that kind of level because of a setup issue...

Thanks for the reply!
Quote from kamkorPL :How come then that whanever I go to drift servers nowadays, it is mostly people talking, doing donuts(The so called "showing off" or "dancing") or drifting rather average(or worse)? Last time I've met someone to twin drift with hapilly, was Axle one week ago. I don't think that inviting people to drift servers nowadays is a good thing.

About the movie, I agree with others.

Offtopic: Come to LFS Norge Drifting, we mostly drift there - anyone not drifting or joking around wil be kicked

OnTopic: It wasn't too much drifting there I'm afraid
Quote from kamkorPL :How come then that whanever I go to drift servers nowadays, it is mostly people talking, doing donuts(The so called "showing off" or "dancing") or drifting rather average(or worse)? Last time I've met someone to twin drift with hapilly, was Axle one week ago. I don't think that inviting people to drift servers nowadays is a good thing.

About the movie, I agree with others.

Because like you, they are all waiting for a good twin, then when some one comes on we drift.

I don't really get your point Apex, they are all waiting? Who is all to you? It seems then that lately it is ultimately hard for me to meet the "all" waiting for a good twin, or maybe just our views about 'good twin' differ quite a bit.

Maybe it is different in the US Playtime timezone, but when I go to drift servers at european time, there is nothing to watch or enjoy on drift servers(to me ofcourse).

Quote from kamkorPL :I don't really get your point Apex, they are all waiting? Who is all to you? It seems then that lately it is ultimately hard for me to meet the "all" waiting for a good twin, or maybe just our views about 'good twin' differ quite a bit.

Maybe it is different in the US Playtime timezone, but when I go to drift servers at european time, there is nothing to watch or enjoy on drift servers(to me ofcourse).


O crap, didn't I please you on LFS Norge Drifting?
Quote from Matrixi :PS. I provided a short spr replay of SO Long drifting, linking most of the corners. Try to achieve this and I will love to watch your next movie.

Nice clip, I really appreciate your skill to continue drifting with hot tires

Anyway, is Saiko^D still alive?
Quote from DevilsTower :O crap, didn't I please you on LFS Norge Drifting?

bit still lil' OT...
yep, but there were quantity and quality of drifting mentioned by Kam.
He said that when actually ppls are not talking or whatever, he "only" can see average or worst skilled drivers/drifters there like me (and think i can say many others).

@Kam: then sry about the BLrev "session" some days ago
Quote from frokki :OT:
Anyway, is Saiko^D still alive?

A bit quiet times going ATM, but we're alive and kickin'
I think one way to improve it would be to add in the ding dong, ding dong, that someone made a program for, if possible, that'd make it more interesting.

How about looking at the driver while he's turning the wheel, ala initial D?
Quote from frokki :OT:
Anyway, is Saiko^D still alive?

the leader of the team was inactive for the past few weeks, but all members in team are still doing fine and the leader is back on track again.

South City Tofu Drift
(26 posts, started )