The online racing simulator
Warden Law Karting Track...
(3 posts, started )
Warden Law Karting Track...
im never normally good with layouts as many people know, but i tried making this and thought it came out well.

its a replica layout of the real track Warden Law, near Newcastle in england. I have raced here before but gave up as my kart nacked and i wanted to start drifting, but as a reminder i thought i would make it onto lfs.

So... here it is! (i know its not scaled correctly due to limited space... and i made an extra straight for start)

REAL : ... absterDrift/wardenlaw.jpg

LFS : ... terDrift/lfs_00000071.jpg

I would recommend you use small cars on here... (MRT, UFR, UF1 etc...).
it can be drifted but its very very tight so watch for the walls xD

thanks - whats your opinion?
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AU1_wardenlaw.lyt - 4 KB - 652 views
The basic shape is certainly there. It's been a few months since I drove at Warden Law, but I'll give it a go tonight and let you know if it has the same feel.

Edit: Actually the first tight corner after the flat twisty section looks wrong.
I can see warden law from where i live now, ive been on it alot of times,

As bob says, shape is there but its a little wrong here and there and some straights are alot longer then what they are on yours but thats probally due to size of aux

Ill try and make one soon for you and make it as close as possible callum, see you sunday m8

Warden Law Karting Track...
(3 posts, started )