Relax guys,
i find it quite disturbing that a simple inquiry ends up in one of these typical lfs forum threads wich are just a waste of bits and bytes.
Any questions regarding our community should be directed towards any of the people on vent with FM in front of their names, and if it's just by using vent's private chat. Our website's forum of course is also a good place to post questions.
When registering on our website, please use a familiar name so that you can easily be recognized - it will speed up account activation dramatically.
In some rare cases, activation emails cannot be succesfully send to your email address - in that case please contact any of our members if you don't receive a reply within 2 days.
Thanks and happy racing.
PS Hello The very end, i think our differences are a thing of the past by now, stop by on any of our servers when you find the time.