I also use that wheel and I don't have the calibration issue in LFS. These wheels are built with automatic calibration. Whenever you reboot your PC or unplug your wheel the calibration resets. When you use the wheel again it automatically calibrates the axis ranges from your actions. Turning the wheel all the way left and right, and depressing the pedals to their full extent gives the usable range.
If you unplug and replug your pedals from your wheel while in-game you will notice that the caibration is reset. Your wheel will most likely return to its centre position as well.
The shifting centre is a well known problem for Logitech Momo wheels and Logitech first wrote a patch to try and fix this, but with inconclusive results. A new driver and profiler software were released recently and some people now report an improvement. I believe they even wrote a small program that you can use to manually force the recalibration without unplugging anything. Also it is worth trying DX Tweak. With this handy utility you can tweak every axis including dead zones. You can also choose the centre point of the wheel's range.
I know it isn't a bug with LFS because if it were then all Momo users would have this problem, not just some. Logitech have documented this problem and supplied some fixes for it. If they don't work for you I strongly suggest seeking a warranty replacement, if you can. Best of luck and let us know how you go with that please.