The online racing simulator
Airattack Rallycross Cup 2009

Hi all! I've decided to start a Rallycross cup for all AA members. I was going to explain shortly how it works. And hopefully when i've done so, many drivers will be driving it.

Here it goes.

I got the idea from a swedish motorsport called "Folkrace". Its rallycross with s*it cars that are used in sweden. I was planning to start a cup for all AA members, with races wich bases are taken from "Folkrace". Lets start from the begginning to the end. You first take all drivers, put their names on a piece of paper, and mix them together. Then you take one after one untill you have 6 car heats (races). Each driver drives 3 heats, one in the front lane, and one in the back, the last one is by lottery. When all the heats are done, you count the points. The points for following positions are:

1. 7pts
2. 5pts
3. 4pts
4. 3pts
5. 2pts
6. 1pt(s)
Retired. 0pts
Blackflag. 0pts


Lets make it easy, lets say we have 3 drivers on 20 points, and 2 drivers on 18 points. Those goes emediatly to the A-Final (main final). Only 5 cars? Why? Well, we have A, B, C and D finals, wich the winner progresses to the next one. So if you score bad in the heats, and gets into the D-Final, you can win D, C, B and also A. Hard to understand? Maeby now, but you will understand after the first race.
The one who has most points after the 3 races will also choose start position first in the final.

So, when the race is done, all A and B finalists get championship points, and we have one of theese races each month, so that will be 12 rounds.


I will be a judger myself at the event, and find a replacement when myself is driving, these are a few rules:

Dont turn other cars around, you will be blackflagged and gets 0 points. If you do turn someone around, and stop to let him pass, you could get away from the blackflag, if its not a mega-push.

There could be an accident, wich causes yellowflag in the area, and when you get yellowflag, you are not allowed to pass any car, because of the risk for another accident. From the meter you get yellowflag, and to the car who has stopped, its not allowed to pass. If someone else stops in the area you are free to pass him, but not moving cars.

If you falsestart, the heat will restart and if you do it again, you will be DQed.

THE CUP 2009

We will be doing 12 rounds this year before we can disclaim a world champion. The following rounds are:

Round 1: Februari 7th
Round 2: Februari 28th
Round 3: March 28th
Round 4: April 4th
Round 5: May 23rd
Round 6: June 27th
Round 7: July 11th (Moved to August 1st)
Round 8: August 8th
Round 9: September 19th
Round 10: October 10th
Round 11: November 28th
Round 12: December 18th-19th

All racers expects to be on the "[AA] All Around Rally" server 19:50 UTC as latest.

Only XFG and XRG are allowed.

You are allowed to bring ONE friend to each event.

Please contact me for mor information and questions.

Gelin swe (PM)
[email protected] (MSN and E-Mail)

Had to read through the rules twice, but I think I see how it works

Would be fun to run as an S2 event, rather than be limited to demo cars/track. The gap between each event also provides a nice bit of time to learn a new combination, and prepare for each round.

I'm just trying to think if we have any [AA] members left without an S2 account?

Anyway, nice job getting this going Gelin. Looking forward to it.
Quote from Hyperdrive :Had to read through the rules twice, but I think I see how it works

Would be fun to run as an S2 event, rather than be limited to demo cars/track. The gap between each event also provides a nice bit of time to learn a new combination, and prepare for each round.

I'm just trying to think if we have any [AA] members left without an S2 account?

Anyway, nice job getting this going Gelin. Looking forward to it.

hehe, same here I would join if I have got a bit more time
Quote from Hyperdrive :Had to read through the rules twice, but I think I see how it works

Would be fun to run as an S2 event, rather than be limited to demo cars/track. The gap between each event also provides a nice bit of time to learn a new combination, and prepare for each round.

I'm just trying to think if we have any [AA] members left without an S2 account?

Anyway, nice job getting this going Gelin. Looking forward to it.

I Agree with you. Maeby we can do 1 event on the Demo and the next on S2? That mens 6 Demo events and 6 S2 events. Even so i hope you both will join. As it looks now there will be at least 20 drivers for each event, good fun!!
Tomorrow at the set time will be the first round of the championship. The time is the one set. All AA Drivers are allowed one friend. There is only 15 avaible persons on the server, so be there as early you can. If you are late you will not be allowed to start, to make it easy to put the drivers into the heats. See you tomorrow i hope.

Hello all! First round of this year is done! It was a nice race with a few battles. 9 drivers started it, and it was up for a big fight before start! Max finally won the final for AA, with Terje 2nd and Trond 3rd.


A-Final Results:
6.Driver GR

B-Final Results:
2.Iran Persian

After 6 Heats:
1.Max 19pts
2.Boost 17pts
3.Terje 15pts
4.Trond 14pts
5.Driver GR 13pts
6.lvlo 13pts
7.Turbonetic 11pts
8.Gelin 10pts
9.Iran Persian (sorry if miss-spelling) 8pts

Driver of the race: Boost, for being the fastest driver and a very good friend, also for stunning driving and speed.

After 1 Of 12 Rounds:
1.Max 20pts
2.Terje 16pts
3.Trond 13pts
4.Turbonetic 10pts
5.Boost 8pts
6.Driver GR 6pts
7.Iran Persian 5pts
8.lvlo 3pts
9.Gelin 2pts

The top 10 each event will score points.

Pictures below.

Next Event: Round 2 Februari 28th same time same place, bring a friend! Welcome!
Attached images
very nice race and lots of fun and it was fun too meet the AA drivers and i have too get kredit fore terje ho was not a AA driver and olmost took the A-final and he drive great the hole race.. ...trond
PS i bee back next time ..
Nice race, thx
#9 - iran
yes nice race
Tonight there is the 2nd round of the championship. Also next saturday it's the 3rd. Hope to see you all on the AA Weekly Race server tonight att 20:59 UTC at the latest. Bring a friend, if you are like lvlo and dont have any, just grab some good driver from AA2 or AA4. I will tie some on the rules to make this round actionpacked! PM me if you dont have the password, it is the same as on the Weekly races.

See you tonight

Hello all! Round 2 of the series is by. This was a very eventful race, with lots of crashes and fights. In the final Boost could get the best out of he's car and win. There was a 5-car battle for 2nd all 4 laps. With position shifting every corner. Barn (who came from the B-Final) could get the 2nd after being 6th for 3 laps. Gelin tooked the 3rd place with only 0:00.01 to spare of Turbo. 5th and 6th came father and son Ari and Max. Max had a huge battle for that 2nd place but crashed together with Turbo and spun. Here is the full results


4.Driver GR

Driver of the race was Barn, for not being an AA driver and also put himself so high up in the A-Final after comming from the B-Final.

Roll of the day: ARI in heat 4.

Championship standings after Round 2/12:
1.Boost 28pts
2.Max 26pts
3.Turbonetic 20pts
4.Terje 16pts
5.Barn 16pts
6.Gelin 15pts
7.Trond 13pts
8.Driver GR 8pts
9.ARI 8pts
10.Duffis 5pts
11.Iran Persian 5pts
12.Mosseman 3pts
13.lvlo 3pts
14.Ralph 1pt

Replays from all heats and finals below.

Next eventh:
Round 3, 7th Mars 20:00 UTC on [AA] Weekly Race server, see you there!
Attached files
Heat-1.mpr - 237.6 KB - 802 views
Heat-2.mpr - 254.6 KB - 769 views
Heat-3.mpr - 236.1 KB - 787 views
Heat-4.mpr - 308.2 KB - 769 views
Heat-5.mpr - 291.9 KB - 727 views
Heat-6.mpr - 462 KB - 795 views
B-Final.mpr - 464.6 KB - 794 views
A-FINAL.mpr - 497.6 KB - 772 views
#12 - Barn
good races guys, thanks for the quest invite
was very lucky to get second in the final, bad crash in last turn
#13 - Barn
did anyone save the 20 lap race after, i forgot to save it
Quote from Barn :good races guys, thanks for the quest invite
was very lucky to get second in the final, bad crash in last turn

This sport has alot of luck in it. Well driven in the Heat's aswell. Hope to see you there on saturday again.
Tomorrow, 21:00 UTC its time for round 3. Be there, take a friend and lets have some fun again!

See you
Well, the AA Weekly Race Server is down at the moment, i have no clue why? lvlo is the man involved with that stuff so, we will find a replacer for this event in the future, making sure it's 12 rounds..
lvlo is no longer racing in LFS
Quote from Gelin SWE :Well, the AA Weekly Race Server is down at the moment, i have no clue why? lvlo is the man involved with that stuff so, we will find a replacer for this event in the future, making sure it's 12 rounds..

Well...some information you can find here:

Still some of us gathered to #2 but since you didnt show up nothing happened.We can always use other servers(as we have been doing before).So dont blame others, just need to keep your eyes opened.
Quote from mosseman(EST) :Well...some information you can find here:

Still some of us gathered to #2 but since you didnt show up nothing happened.We can always use other servers(as we have been doing before).So dont blame others, just need to keep your eyes opened.

You're right, but next weekend's free to use the 3rd one to. But are their servers? We could move them just 20:30 - 21:40 or something like that...
Tonight we will do the event. On Airattack Rallycross. 21:00 as usual, hope to see you all there.

/ Gelin
Quote from SilverArrows77 :AirAttack certainly does not lack for servers and to be honest (as nice a gesture as it was from lvlo) i dont see why AA events were ever run on lvlos system rather than our own dedicated box anyway. This dedicated system costs the airattack community in the region of £88 per month last time i checked, and to not put this quality system to use for planned events doesnt make the slightest bit of sense to me.

There are 4 server running currently, 2 demo, 2 S2 - at any time, any one of the servers may be used for an event or series and it is just a matter of contacting the appropriate airattack admin to ensure a server is set for this. There is also no shortage of ways to contact the many airattack LFS admin.

I'm not pissed or so. The thing was that i thought AA Weekly Race server was still alive. Since we used to use this. And suddelny it was gone without telling me. But things like it happends. Just hope i can find all drivers for tonight...
Quote from Gelin SWE : The thing was that i thought AA Weekly Race server was still alive. Since we used to use this. And suddelny it was gone without telling me.

As i showed you it was announced 4 days ago that it will be gone...
(Gelin SWE) DELETED by Gelin SWE
Hey! The 3rd round of the championship is done! A tuff event as usual, with 14 cars and a C-Final. In the quals Domisz had 21 maximum points. In the C-Final Woox and Bagander had a fight untill Bagander got the black-flag. Then woox could win easy. The B-Final was a hard one. Ari and Trond had a big fight for 3 laps untill both retired because of accident/black-flag. Driver GR could go from 3rd to 1st and won. The A-Final was a 4-lap fight between Driver GR and Max. On the last straight also Domisz and Gelin came, ending up that all 4 drivers finnished witing 4 tenths of a second, with Max winning.


2.Driver Gr (Runner up)

1.Driver GR
4.Ari (Retired)
6.Trond (Black)

3.Bagander (Black)

Championsip after round 3/12
1.Max 46pts
2.Boost 28pts
3.Terje 26pts
4.Gelin 25pts
5.Driver GR 24pts
6.Turbonetic 20pts
7.Barn 16pts
8.Domisz 13pts
9.Trond 13pts
10.ARI 10pts
11.Duffis 8pts
12.Jessica 6pts
13.Iran Persian 5pts
14.Sam 5pts
15.lvlo 3pts
16.Mosseman 3pts
17.Ralph 1pt
18.Woox 1pt

Attached files
A-Final.mpr - 493.1 KB - 671 views
Good race
(Laimiss) DELETED by Laimiss
il be the third Lito... here making a post

Great race but i dindt even go to the finals.

The race should be more often! every weekend on sunday?