Hello Server Admins and League Organizers,
Here may be a useful program that, I've been using myself for a while, is time to release to everybody else. It is a GUI application that allows a user to drag a racer from the available racer list to the starting grid order list. Currently the program lists racers by username, but in next versions, I'd like to allow users to choose username or playername.
As usual, please post here with any problems that you may encounter, or suggestions you'd like to give.

Here may be a useful program that, I've been using myself for a while, is time to release to everybody else. It is a GUI application that allows a user to drag a racer from the available racer list to the starting grid order list. Currently the program lists racers by username, but in next versions, I'd like to allow users to choose username or playername.
- It is best to have your LFS server setup as /start=fixed, as this setting will help to eliminate any reorder problems that LFS could introduce. However, at minimum, LFS should be set to /start=finish.
- Input IP address, InSim Port, and Admin password
- Click connect
- Drag racers from Available Racers list to Starting Grid Order list
- Confirm Starting Grid Order list's order, from top to bottom, is correct for the order you want. (If not correct, drag a racer up or down until correct)
- Once the list is ready, click the Send Reorder button to send the new order to LFS. If changes are needed after clicking the button, complete the changes and click the button again.
- Once the "Order Updated" text shows, re/start the LFS session before closing the program.
As usual, please post here with any problems that you may encounter, or suggestions you'd like to give.

- Added option to choose showing of username or playernames. Playernames were a big request as it helps make sure you chose the right racer.
- Start