The real reason for this post and I declare that
there are people who are aware of this (if they want to say who they are, they can do, but not anything goes) is just uncover and see who is who in Cause people to reveal how they are in reality.
By this I mean free and critical opinions.
I am aware that at any time the accident in CTRA was my fault.
So why open a suicidal post in which I knew beforehand that it was my fault and that they would all flamed?
What was said in the previous paragraph.
I took advantage of the circumstances of this accident to cause this reaction. The accident was not caused. This was an accident and I feel responsible. I have reversed without seen back to my right and I am guilty of this. A month without driving has caused these errors.
Why all this?
So people know who is who, what is there really people, but I really want to know what people think about me and if it is worth making any contribution I make and invest what I'm investing in future projects related to the LFS.
Apart from this, to see who takes advantage of that situation to say what he really thinks, destroy those who consider their "competence" as it proliferate opinions free and those ravens leaving their lairs waiting to see that interests them. It's another person that opens this post and the opinions vary its index of popularity.
This is a theater and all people are part of it, actively participate or not participate. But everything that I am complaining in this post is what makes people demotivate to improve, that people do not buy a license, leaving the LFS or change simulator.
Here there is not fairness but winning those who have the most number of friends. This is reflected in the votes and the results per team when there are complaints.
I have endured a reasonable time this thread saying things like: "Thanks for all critics / suggestions / flames but more opinions, please. The number of posts are not enough to convince me."
To continue leading the people and that brought to light the missing ones. What makes me grace is that people believe these comments and feel alluded. Seriously, have you actually believed them?
I have no reason in particular for having done this since I was I treated well at all times (on the server was enough apologize and it will be ok). But I was annoyed by the little details that I have been seeing so far, without commenting that abuse to the demo users (editing images with S2 content but may well be a picture wich they ask for or that they pick from Internet, for example, and similar situations who peolpe said "Buy the license"). Thing I complained in another thread with another person, to abolish the status of your license from the avatar:
Also the exaggerated speed with which a user earns a "No longer welcome".
I also claim that respect it is lacked for free and that everything is exaggerated because a popular person can be "attacked" (Without adding that strive to make videos for ridicule: [ If anyone knows more videos of this style can be posted in the successive responses]). Then his friends come to flame free when they have not been in the incident. If all the viewers who are posting this thread, the conversation shifted to each other let us face what we think in totally leaving aside the poor incident in CTRA as something entirely secondary.
I am absolutely certain that more than one thinks like me.
Here is said and I realize what I lose making this complaint. But I have to say it. And to encourage those who have to report bad behavior in these forums do so without comtemplations. This situation is no different from those in which a person is the first to take the first step and then come the following.
I reiterate that there are witnesses who have knowledge of this from the very moment that I opened this thread.
Grace makes me start to see posts edited removing "stupid" "idiot," "retard."