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What do you think about word 'ricer'
(149 posts, started )

Poll : What do you think about word 'ricer'

I dont care, i sometimes use it
Yes its funny and i use that word
No its not funny and i dont use that
Quote from 5haz : I really hate people who can't have an argument without referring to someone as a certain part of genitalia.

yeah, me too, but what ya gonna do about it check out the guy i was quoting. or maybe that went over your head too click
tbh, i thought the ass rash comment was better than my cock blister one. i guess you only read the bits i put thought into. go you.
Quote from dadge :yeah, me too, but what ya gonna do about it check out the guy i was quoting. or maybe that went over your head too click
tbh, i thought the ass rash comment was better than my cock blister one. i guess you only read the bits i put thought into. go you.

Yeah that's right, lower yourself to his level, rather like you did with Tristan as well it seems.

It really doesn't make you look good if you have to resort to juvenile and rather vulgar insults to subdue anyone who disagrees with you, It rather makes you look a bit.. desperate I suppose. You seem to think that insulting people in this way is somehow smart and clever.

I just had to reply because your post was so ironic, you do all the things you dislike others for doing.

I could've responded in a more mature way, but I was too busy picking up men in my miata :hide:
Don't start picking on him, he'll start to insult your posts!
lol my definition of rice is

Modification to a car that is a failure ie
giving a FWD a rear wing ....

basicly if you modify a car for for what ever reason if its not a improvement over standed i would call it rice.

like trist said car manufactures make cars for what they are designed for but alot can be improved over standed form eg
new XR6T ford falcon comes with 18's/19's standed the car handels better and is faster on 17's with a higher tyre wall and lighter rim not to mention is more comfatable on the road
Quote from 5haz :Yeah that's right, lower yourself to his level, rather like you did with Tristan as well it seems.

It really doesn't make you look good if you have to resort to juvenile and rather vulgar insults to subdue anyone who disagrees with you, It rather makes you look a bit.. desperate I suppose. You seem to think that insulting people in this way is somehow smart and clever.

I just had to reply because your post was so ironic, you do all the things you dislike others for doing.


oh dear. it seems that you didn't understand both of my posts. it was obvious to me that the person i quoted would understand me better if i used a similar language as he used towards me. but enough explaining myself to people who i really could give a shit about. show me where i did something in this thread and then went back and complained about it. or what ever it was you thought was ironic.
i don't resort to insulting someone who doesn't agree with me. but i do return fire when someone tries to insult me. look at the guys post i quoted.
Quote from Osco :the thing coming out of your ass must've been more intelligent than the above coming from your mouth (or fingers..)

at which point would you think i was being insulted? within the first 4 words maybe? would you rather i agreed with him and said something like "OMG!!!! how did you know i was talking out of my arse?!!?!?!?"
do you take requests 5haz? if so, get over yourself ffs. you are starting to look like a fool (i was going to use more interesting words but you might of missed the point there too).
Quote from shotglass :dont you think youre completely exaggerating the importance of wheel weight tristan? Most cars suspensions are hardly set up to perfection and totally underdamped without exception (which might be an issue with lighter wheels but i dont think youll ever notice any difference)

Quote from Shotglass :dont you think youre completely exaggerating the importance of wheel weight tristan? most cars suspensions are hardly set up to perfection and totally underdamped without exception (which might be an issue with lighter wheels but i dont think youll ever notice any difference)

Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that randomly bolting on a set of wheels without considering ANYTHING to do with the car (other than offset, which about 50% of people try to consider without understanding what it is, and what it's for) is highly unlikely to improve a car.

In another thread someone thinks that bolting on a phat back boxz increases horsepower, even without any other changes to the car. It's just a moronic attitude in my opinion. In that same thread someone else admits to doing the same thing (bolting on a phat exhaust), but his reasons are sensible - it was purely because chav-can was cheaper than the standard one, and running a car on a budget can demand compromises.
Aftermarket exhausts can, and will increase power.

Maybe not on a 1 litre hatchback, but a 2.5l twin turbo engine with a restrictive dump pipe and exhaust, it WILL increase power.
Quote from dadge :get over yourself ffs. you are starting to look like a fool (i was going to use more interesting words but you might of missed the point there too).

Irony alert!
Quote from dadge :oh dear. it seems that you didn't understand both of my posts. it was obvious to me that the person i quoted would understand me better if i used a similar language as he used towards me.

Nah, it just makes you look like as much of a fool as the person insulting you in the first place.

Quote from dadge :but enough explaining myself to people who i really could give a shit about.

Ah, but you still did, didn't you?

Quote from dadge :show me where i did something in this thread and then went back and complained about it. or what ever it was you thought was ironic.

I was waiting for you to ask this question.

Quote from dadge :why do you feel your opinion is so important... sorry bud, you're no where important enough to determine the meaning of the word ricer.

Ok so you tell people that they have no right to express their opinion on what rice is

Quote from dadge :a japanese car would be refered to as a rice burner. someone who mods their car in the style of the japanese modding community is known as a ricer.
it's strange but the mazda mx-5 is known as a rice burner but over here it's refered to as a hairdressers car. but yet we know of one owner who hates rice and doesn't cut hair, but he insists his car is the shitz.
sorry tristan, i thought if that when having a dump.

Yet you see fit to tell us what your opinion on rice is, as well as telling us that MX5s are 'hairdresser's cars'.

Quote from dadge :i don't resort to insulting someone who doesn't agree with me. but i do return fire when someone tries to insult me. look at the guys post i quoted. at which point would you think i was being insulted? within the first 4 words maybe?

Yes he insulted you, but I get a slight feeling he also disagrees with you too!

Quote from dadge :would you rather i agreed with him and said something like "OMG!!!! how did you know i was talking out of my arse?!!?!?!?")

I would rather you would stop trying to pick fights with people, insulting the intelligence of people you don't even know.

Quote from dadge :do you take requests 5haz? if so, get over yourself ffs.

No, what you gonna do?

Quote from dadge :you are starting to look like a fool (i was going to use more interesting words but you might of missed the point there too).

Your idea of an interesting word is different parts of the human genitalia from what I have seen.

Fool I may be, but at least I can pride myself in the fact that I can respond to rude and undermining forum members without feeling the need to use expletives or references to sexually transmitted diseases.

Anyway, this is OT, and even if you carry on your rude insulting ways, I know that I'll be the the one that ends up with a bloody infraction, you can always PM me if you care that much, just don't expect me to reply however.
Quote from Klutch :Aftermarket exhausts can, and will increase power.

Maybe not on a 1 litre hatchback, but a 2.5l twin turbo engine with a restrictive dump pipe and exhaust, it WILL increase power.

Turbos, to which you refer, are a slightly different case, where larger bores can help in some instances, but the manufacturers were constrained by noise limitations. On a normally aspirated car it's highly unlikely most do anything other than give a hole in the torque curve somewhere important.

But if you want to believe they always work then so be it.
Quote from tristancliffe :Turbos, to which you refer, are a slightly different case, where larger bores can help in some instances, but the manufacturers were constrained by noise limitations. On a normally aspirated car it's highly unlikely most do anything other than give a hole in the torque curve somewhere important.

But if you want to believe they always work then so be it.

for a NA car to improve over the standed item its not a easy task like a corvett or something that allready has tuned lenght extractors its allmost imposable to do unless you change the duty cycle of the cams thus needing diffrent extractors to maxamize the changes made.

turbo cars are ALOT easyer allmost any crap exhaust place can fit a bigger dumb and exhaust on a turbo car and have a slight imporvement if the car has had its turbo changed or is applying more boost. Some people make the mistake and go to big for the car ie a WRX dosent need a 4 or 4 1/2 inch exhaust at all. the only turbo cars i know of that need 4 inch dumps are running 30+PSI and over 1100KW's.

but in the end of the day all cars arnt the same and 2 cars that are exactly the same could have differnt affects to differnt mod's
Quote from 5haz :

Yes he insulted you, but I get a slight feeling he also disagrees with you too!

I would rather you would stop trying to pick fights with people, insulting the intelligence of people you don't even know.

so, let me get this straight. a guy comes on the forum, makes a post that has no relevance in this thread. goes straight into insult mode, he insults me, i respond and then i'm the one blamed for starting an arguement? nice logic.
the funny thing is that i called the guy a cock blister and an ass rash and you have come to the conclusion that all i think about is body parts and how to use them in a conversation. how i talk to people who insult me should be of no concern to you. you have not insulted me, you've tried to slap my wrists a bit(my bad, i used another body part) but not insulted me. i tend to keep my manners for those who deserve it.

my opinion was supported with (basic) info on the meaning of the term rice and other related words. fair enough, if i'm wrong then show me. i'll hold my hands up and i will learn from my mistakes. but at what stage did you show me that i was actually incorrect in my findings? i said ONE person cannot determine the meaning of the word ricer. am i wrong? i then posted my opinion going from what i have read in the many years of reading max power other various magazines. also visiting the local car meets and seeing the cars up close and talking to the owners of the cars. i even posted links to show that i was not alone in my opinion. again was i wrong?
the reason i posted the way i did is because it seems to be the ongoing theme here in this forum. flame or be flamed.
but enough of the BS (too rude? i can edit if it offends you), i'm off to prove you can't get an STD (even tho i didn't mention STD's, i'll still take credit for it)from making sweet love to a ps3
Quote from tristancliffe :Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that randomly bolting on a set of wheels without considering ANYTHING to do with the car (other than offset, which about 50% of people try to consider without understanding what it is, and what it's for) is highly unlikely to improve a car.

speaking of which what is offset (too lazy to search for the german term which ill probably understand)

Quote :In another thread someone thinks that bolting on a phat back boxz increases horsepower, even without any other changes to the car. It's just a moronic attitude in my opinion. In that same thread someone else admits to doing the same thing (bolting on a phat exhaust), but his reasons are sensible - it was purely because chav-can was cheaper than the standard one, and running a car on a budget can demand compromises.

isnt it more or less unimportant what you do behind the cat?
In a way, yeah, but theres no point using a nice free flowing Dump + DOwnpipe only for it to get choked up after the cat.
Quote from Shotglass :speaking of which what is offset (too lazy to search for the german term which ill probably understand)

isnt it more or less unimportant what you do behind the cat?

offset is ET value (Einpress Tiefe)
Hehe why wasn't this posted.


From my point of view, I use the word from now and then but. Of course its lost all meaning.. and is just used as an insult now.
LOL!!!!!! 0-60 in like 12sec. yo!!!


That's a classic, favorited
It is not very good acting about people who says ricer to everyone, but I don't care it.

(NO! I am not ricer anway!!!. D'oh, maybe 5% )
i enjoy ricers, i simply cant be seen in one...
first thing comes up my mind when i saw/heard the ricer is a Honda Civic hatchback with a some ridiculously lond exhaust with some really REALLY loud music coming out of the HUGEEE speakers.
^and tyring to race me in a van..
First thing that pops into mind with the word ricer is...

A derogotory term used to describe small, Asain, cars and motorcycles such as Honda, Suzuki, Hyundai, etc. The term comes from implied stereotype that all Asains are extremely fond of rice, as it is believed to be the primary source of food in Eastern Asia. Thankfully, Asians, as a whole have not reacted in the same way as other groups, such as Blacks, when derogotory terms are used to describe them.

Or the other definition which is anyone with ridiculous car modifications that dont affect performance what so ever and are just plain stupid

What do you think about word 'ricer'
(149 posts, started )