The online racing simulator
whats with the servers?
(67 posts, started )
whats with the servers?
so i havent been playing lfs for a while and i decided to do some racing. i was hoping for a good tbo class race because that is my favoraite. but all i can find is gt, drift, and cruise. wtf happened? this completely sucks, i want to race not slide my car around a track like an idiot (no offence so dont flame me drifters) i want to race the tbo class and not the gt or f1 or mini stuff. is there anyone else who feels the same?
me, i cant find much tbo racing at all... only drift, cruise and demo race.
I share your frustration.
TBO racing is dead nowadays. These cars can only be find on leagues, or eventually on CTRA 2 but you don't have the required license.

I share your frustration too. TBO provide the best racing on LFS. No need to be much skilled for that if you race it 4 or 5 laps, but it's extremely challenging to preserve tyres during longer distances.
Well, there are some TBO "racing" every now and then on the [noobs] server, but if your a "racer" I think you'll be dissapointed
Quote from The Very End :Well, there are some TBO "racing" every now and then on the [noobs] server, but if your a "racer" I think you'll be dissapointed

Oh yes ! He will !

Well, tbh your not joining a DD server if you hope having "racing". It's more like a chill out zone where you can gather up and doing bullshit without people caring, maybe a bit more focused on the social aspects than the racing itself

But hey, you could try if you want to give it a try ofc, server will be up running 21.00 GMT+1 today, just look at my name and what server I am on if your not sure where to find me
I'm after some good TBO class racing, tried CTRA Race2 but very quiet there.

Following this thread with interest.

Try looking for some LX racing or FZ/RAC on public servers. Zilch.
Quote from sinbad :Try looking for some LX racing or FZ/RAC on public servers. Zilch.

If I had a server it would be TBO/LRF only, and all tracks would be used. Great cars to race, and terribly underrated. I'm itchin' for some LX racing, too, even though I suck terribly in them. Just love to drive 'em Preferably the LX4, as it's easier to control
Since you mention it, we have a tiered racing system running that uses TBO as the entry class and LFR as the second tier. The system tracks crashes and races completed for each racer, kicks those who can't keep it on track, and rewards those who race cleanly. The system has been up for months, but it only gets traffic when we have a team night on it.

It's the same old thing, if you run a TBO server in the forest and nobody races on it, does it exist?
I was really looking forward to learning these cars and having some fun so I played around a little with these a few months back.

I think the cars are awesome - but what's with the tires? A race car that can't do more that 2 laps with out the rubber disintegrating? I get more laps out of my FZR on r2s than a TBO class car on the hardest available.

I think that spoils it a little and that's probably what explains why there's no-one racing these.


Quote from aceracer :I think the cars are awesome - but what's with the tires? A race car that can't do more that 2 laps with out the rubber disintegrating? I get more laps out of my FZR on r2s than a TBO class car on the hardest available.

Either you had a bogus set or you have to adapt your driving style. We had a 1hr race in the XRT on KY2 last week on the dMr server, and we all managed it with 1 set of tyres. Granted, by the end some were having some problems with wear and heat, but that was after almost an hour of pushing it to the limit to stay ahead.

Part of the fun of racing the TBO is exactly that; nursing the tyres while still pushing hard. It takes a good set to be able to do that.
Quote from aceracer :I was really looking forward to learning these cars and having some fun so I played around a little with these a few months back.

I think the cars are awesome - but what's with the tires? A race car that can't do more that 2 laps with out the rubber disintegrating? I get more laps out of my FZR on r2s than a TBO class car on the hardest available.

I think that spoils it a little and that's probably what explains why there's no-one racing these.



1) Maybe you don't have a good setup? Just try an endurence setup, then the default set to feel the difference.
2) Maybe you need to improve yourself a little bit? Just try to pass the corners properly, without going fast, and without sliding or difting : your tyres will survive a lot more. Then try to go and faster and faster.
Quote from aceracer :

I think the cars are awesome - but what's with the tires? A race car that can't do more that 2 laps with out the rubber disintegrating? I get more laps out of my FZR on r2s than a TBO class car on the hardest available.

mmmm think it may be you're set or racing style that's the problem here. I used to really struggle to get any lap distance on the FXO (a killer of tires) but last night managed a 21 lap race on CTRA 2 (endurance day ) and could still do another 10 on them fact it was'nt till lap 19 that I set a PB and also the fastest lap.
I wish there where some official servers, one for the TBO-class, one for the fox or fo8, and one for the GTR-class (and perhaps one for fz5, lx6 and rac). With racestart every half hour, ca 20 minutes races, and 10 minutes of qualify in between. And of course some variations in tracks. Maybe a points-system, which could be viewed through lfsworld.

Something like CTRA, without the licensing-system.
To little racing servers nowadays. And all the racing servers are using the same track all the time.. I would like some servers with new combos, especially a FBM server!
Quote from flonoen :I wish there where some official servers, one for the TBO-class, one for the fox or fo8, and one for the GTR-class (and perhaps one for fz5, lx6 and rac). With racestart every half hour, ca 20 minutes races, and 10 minutes of qualify in between. And of course some variations in tracks. Maybe a points-system, which could be viewed through lfsworld.

Something like CTRA, without the licensing-system.

I've thought about that in the past. There are so many empty servers out there with interesting combos, but nobody wants to join a server called "running in Bob's basement #5."

If one server was designated as "the official TBO server" people would know where to go. Think back to the load testing that was done before patch X. Scavier put up an official load test server and people flocked to it.
Quote from Danke :I've thought about that in the past. There are so many empty servers out there with interesting combos, but nobody wants to join a server called "running in Bob's basement #5."

If one server was designated as "the official TBO server" people would know where to go.


I think that could work.
Quote from SparkyDave :I'm after some good TBO class racing, tried CTRA Race2 but very quiet there.

Following this thread with interest.


XRT ftw

Maybe get some sort of get toghether for TBO's, I for sure miss racing alot of the old TBO junkies, like Mr Dave up here, Gener_Al etc etc.

Once upon a time we could go on a server and find 20 well known guys driving as club in the TBO's....
Quote from Bawbag :XRT ftw

Maybe get some sort of get toghether for TBO's, I for sure miss racing alot of the old TBO junkies, like Mr Dave up here, Gener_Al etc etc.

Once upon a time we could go on a server and find 20 well known guys driving as club in the TBO's....

So true Ray (TBO Junkies lol)
Ahhhh I remember those days well
Hmm, maybe it was the set, or the tracks - it was on CTRA round one of the longer South City Tracks and I specced all of the faster drivers, and all their tires were gone after 3 laps.

I usually am very smooth, I do the 6 laps on AS3/FZR on r2s where most people run mixed sets. I'm not a late braker by any means.

I remember we had AS Historic and GP on one of our servers once and raced TBOs there and it was tremendous fun and no issue whatsoever with tires. (of course these have a lot of straights) So when I saw the tire usage on CTRA I figured that the latest patches may have done something to tire usage - or maybe that's just a combo which is extreme?

What you guys say is very encouraging, I'll go back to trying then


didnt someone start a BTCC kind of server a while ago using the TBO class?? On the odd times i went on it it was good fun.
+1. BTCC was a great fun, I miss it a lot.

Quote from aceracer :Hmm, maybe it was the set, or the tracks - it was on CTRA round one of the longer South City Tracks and I specced all of the faster drivers, and all their tires were gone after 3 laps.

If you observed red-ish colors of F9 menu thats not "gone" state definetly. Slicks and road supers work quite diffirently at high-ish tempratures.
Quote from [RF]-art555 :+1. BTCC was a great fun, I miss it a lot.


Especially since it had an anti-noobmobile-always-winning restriction required.

whats with the servers?
(67 posts, started )