It is snowing like f--k here, really really big snow, and it is coming down very fast.
Town centre has not been gritted and its total chaotic danger everywhere.
I was just sat at a junction waiting to turn right. Turned right, car started to go in the right direction, then slid in a completely straight line at about 2mph towards a big metal bollard that separates the pavement and the taxi rank.
I tugged the handbrake quickly and managed to get it turned in at the right angle. I then glided gracefully sideways very slowly into a taxi parked in the taxi rank.
I just bumped into the side of his rear bumper with my front wing and then bounced off and was back in my lane again. Not a mark on the taxi at all, he just looked at his car, gave me a nod and grinned at me.
My wing is now nice and bent. Brilliant.
*pics to follow when battery on my phone has charged, purely for the amusement of the LFS community*