Any Kart-Racers looking for a league?
Hello, everyone!

I am thinking of starting an LFS Karting league. This league will run on custom courses and the South City Chicane route.

I may not start it if there is not a lot of interest. If anybody would like to join and start a Kart Racing league, post here!
You mean like half-fixed setups or something? What car would you use? There's no kart in LFS... I'm guessing you'll use MRT? If so then maybe have a setup that feels like a gokart and only allow some changes and then you'd need a parc ferme at the end of every race and qual to check the setups.

Seems interusting, if I wasn't in many leagues already I'd consider it.
As a Real World karting driver.

Im in!
I 'tis interested
I'd be interested
If anybody is interested please PM me and we'll get some races set up.

Rules (I don't know how to do this, haha)
1. Point System is as follows
1st Place = 10 points
2nd place = 8 points
3rd place = 6 points
4th and lower = 3 points

2. Live for Speed will track the DNS and Disqualification. If you finish and it says DNS or Disqualified, YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE RACE AND WILL NOT GET ANY POINTS.

3. Most tracks will be custom AutoX tracks. However, there are 2 races that will be held on acutal tracks. Those two tracks are:
FE Club
SO Chicane Route

That's all I can think of, anybody is welcome to step in and help. Thanks.
i love karts im in