I was immediately spectated by the Airio Tracker (is that it?) for spinning too much. I have "Sorry!" hot-keyed to F8. Thank you for your input, brings back some respect for [FM]. I was actually kind of hoping no [FM] members would see this thread, expecting the worst from a member. I don't think you were there, I'm pretty sure it was only Failure and that other person on the track (JeffyG possibly? I can't remember)
I actually raced on the Oval the other day, for a quick 2 races, as I had to do homework. Your long post really helped me understand the other member's actions (which to today before I read your post I still did not understand) but now I see. Thanks.
EDIT: Just read [FM] Goonie's post and the respect went back down. Sorry, Torben, I was rooting for you!
I was immediately spectated by the Airio Tracker (is that it?) for spinning too much. I have "Sorry!" hot-keyed to F8. Thank you for your input, brings back some respect for [FM]. I was actually kind of hoping no [FM] members would see this thread, expecting the worst from a member. I don't think you were there, I'm pretty sure it was only Failure and that other person on the track (JeffyG possibly? I can't remember)
I actually raced on the Oval the other day, for a quick 2 races, as I had to do homework. Your long post really helped me understand the other member's actions (which to today before I read your post I still did not understand) but now I see. Thanks.
EDIT: Just read [FM] Goonie's post and the respect went back down. Sorry, Torben, I was rooting for you!