The online racing simulator
I need a BOV, don't know where to start
I own a '95 Saab 2.0T, with a stage 3 turbo @ 22.5psi, custom made intercooler, greddi BOV, and mine sounds nohting like anything I've heard on this site and elswhere, it's like, extremely loud, like a powerful CO2 gun goin off, perhaps louder, when shifting, I guess becaue of the extreme amount of boost I'm running. Is there a way I can get that kind of BOV in LFS, or would it only work in the GTR cars since they're the only ones pushing that much boost? It's hard to describe, uhg... A good exmaple I guess would be, if you had a valve hodling back a lot of psi, and release the valve, it's like, put it this way, if I shift gears next to someone on a motorcyle, they immediately look down and think they've got blow out, cars too, so I'm careful not to shift next to cars. Also driving down the road if I shift near ppl walking they all freak out thinking I'm firing a CO2 gun at them or something. I'll try to find a sample sound. But if anyone thinks they may hae a sound that's about right, post up, in the meantime I"ll try to find a clip of something the same, or atleast very close.

It's very short, not like many of the sounds on here, that are like, pshhhh, hte sound last maybe a full second and is extremely loud, I guess because of the amount of boost, cause when I get off the throttle at lower rpm, I get more of a chishishishi. But anything over 15psi and it's like an extremely powerful co2 gun, i'd say 10x as powerful a sound.
Thanks for any advice and/or input. Again, I'll try to find a sound to post that matches what I had, wish I had video's of the car.
Well, you could always record it yourself and then simply save it into the correct format (a .WAV iirc) and you could sort yourself out there.
#3 - STF
Tial 50mm bov by any chance? Here`s a sample.
the bov's play for .7 seconds or something like that so you can't have a short, loud pshh. they just loop around if it's too short. but i've made a few nice surging sounds if that's ok with your car lol try them out!

make sure you turn the volume all the way up, and the muffle as well.
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the sound you are describing sounds almost like how a diverter valve (recirculating blow off valve) sounds with a cold air intake.

i have a VW pushing around 18-20PSI and i love the sound the DV makes over a BOV. when i was stock with around 8psi you could barely hear it, but once you pass 15psi it really sounds nice. you get a nice PSHHHH and not a quick pshsqueek that most BOV's make.

this is kind of like what my car sounds like.
My BOV is nothing like any of that, it's extremely loud, and is over with quickly. Kinda like a, PITSHIIII. It scares the hell out of ppl walking down the street. I wish my cam worked I'd take a ride. I have a video of the engine popped revving, maybe one of you can spot the BOV. I'll edit this post with that video, gimme a few mins, I'll throw in my VR6 engine rev too. Prob is I can't build enough boost simply revvin it to get the loud blowoff, and my cam no longer works.

I don't get it, nobody here has ever heard a blow off that doesn't go pshhhhh, but rather a very very loud release of air pressure, kinda like a beebee gun, just about ten times louder?

Here's me revvin it in nuetral.
And my GTI, ahh, the most glorious mechanical sound ever, period!
Another of the GTI, just to show the 12V VR6 engine is the best sounding engine ever, nothing will ever change my mind. The quality is cluttered, if you could sit in the car and hear it, ah man.
like i just said you can't have a short pshh, it plays for .7 seconds no matter how long/short the wav is. and in-game that's way more than .7 seconds. and the sounds i posted before weren't made to sound like what your asking, just some old sounds i had. now this is as close as it gets, but once again, it can't be that short.
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#8 - STF
some old bovs, slightly edited (mostly for volume increase).
i may be deaf.. cause i didn`t hear it from your youtube movies, but i hope one of them ^ comes close.
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off topic. but if you've got a VR, you'll love this:

Where I have to put the BOV files?
Uh.. I think it's data/sound but I'm not sure..
data/engine select it in the shift-a menu
Ahh, ty for correction
Thats a nice car you got there DHRammstein. I love vr6
Quote from erfrag :off topic. but if you've got a VR, you'll love this:

Hah, must be around 600whp, with a LSD and hardcore slicks. Very nice, but I've never been a fan of a dubb being that fast, they don't turn. Nice video tho, love to see a sick fast dubb. Quicker than mine, but I mostly invested in suspension, brakes, rebuilt engine, supercharger, I built the car to handle outstanding and have enough power to eat up evo's and sti's, some porches too, the handling is just too good. My Saab on the other hand, is an absolute monster, I invested double the $. Handles like a dream and quick enough to beat a M3 from a roll, perhaps a M5. You're stuck in the seat through every gear, damn good fun. Nothing like the KB Cobra, but pretty awesome for a Saab, and the GTI. Again, dope vid. I have gigs of video's of VR's and Saabs, and hundreds of vids of Terminator Cobra's, many like mine, with the Kenne Bell blower. Maybe we could start a thread of badass cars!
Quote from Rascar13 :Thats a nice car you got there DHRammstein. I love vr6

Thanks a lot man, I just wish you could see how it runs now. Ya know what's interesting, when I test drove the car, the single thing that sold me on it was the sound of the engine, absolutely amazing. Only the Terminator Cobra comes close, but I think the 12V VR6 takes it, the most glorious mechanical sound I've ever heard. (Yes even better than Porsch, BMW, Ferrari and Lamborghini)-IMO
that dual VR6 lupo is just 2 stock vr6's. rated at around 180ish whp each. maybe 400whp with his setup in the car, but its a light car. i know a few people pushing 300+ hp in a front wheel drive VWs and it sucks as much as how fun it iss. you can't use the power unless you're on the freeway. and it costs big $$'s too. i could put a $2k supercharger kit on a mustang and get >400 whp and be quicker than a $5k turbo kit on a 1.8t. if only 4-motion jetta's were sold in the US. i've looked at SAABs and Volvos but they seem even more expensive than a VW/audi in the go-fast department.

with bilstein HD shocks and a bildon RSB my MKIV jetta is very neutral. the rear end will follow wherever the front goes. the handling limits are easily recognized when the rear starts to step out. driving a small auto-x course my car was corning about the same as an M3, except the M3 was punishing my car in the straights. the factory "sport" suspension came with thicker sways, and according to the color codes on the springs i have the stiffest springs available in north america. 99% of aftermarket stiffer than stock springs lower the car too far. to the point where the mcphearson strut design gives you a camber curve that is horrible and your COG is below ground. any gain from stiffer springs you loose in bad camber and bad COG unless you have "sport" spindles which cost around $750, or the spindles from an R32 or audi TT.

sorry i'm off topic.
My best handling car is the GTI, I've got the FK Silverline, adjustable dampers etc etc. The GTI I bought cause I just love the cars, and mostly the 12V VR6, also the way you feel driving it, like you're holding a tie rod in each hand. The Saab I got really cheap, and simply worked it to how it is over a long period of time. I love both FWD and RWD for different reasons, but I know that a true performance car has gotta be RWD. My Saab on the race tune, can't even turn, if you're getting any more than 10psi, and it'll hit 22.5, the wheels just spin, I may swap the Pirelli's for some BF Goodwrench, but I dunno, I don't think anything will help, it's just the nature of FWD cars. My Cobra on the other hand, is great, has independant rear suspension, unlike the GT's and Shelby's, and I can tune the car as hard as I like, and it doesn't take much to keep it straight, just driving skill. The Cobra is twice as fast as the other two, but the imports are still a blast to drive, they're more of a "around town" kinda car, where the Cobra is a weekend beast to get the adrenaline flowing.