The online racing simulator
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(2587 posts, started )
Just as Superman's only weakness is kryptonite, Mr. T's only weakness is gold chains. He just wears them to remind Superman who's boss.
Well, you should read the erotic sex novels between me and Lerts in my PM folder, I'd tell you this much - you would have a boner for 2 days straight.

Well, on the more serious note, I am not _THAT_ much disliked, but I have my share of people who disagree with me

Including you Kalv, damn feltcher.
:hyper: ..asks to allow ...
Country points:
1. Latvia - 172 points
2. Estonia - 149 points
3. Lithuania - 116 points
se for AGP, não dá pra conectar, se for PCI-Express dá pra conectar
# Age
# Location (City/County/ State and Country)
# Interests
# Hopes/expectations for the race:
# Previous (or recent if many) race/league experience
# Controller
Strike Direction: 030 degrees
Dip Angle: 27 degrees
Dip Direction: NE

Listen to your heart Search and find
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Post your CTRL+V
(2587 posts, started )