White line violations exiting pits

I've had enough races ruined by people who exit pits like mad-women swerving onto the racing line and blocking\hitting whoever is coming.. Im sure theres hundreds of people who feel the same way i do.

So when the perpetrator exits pits and immediately floors it to the middle of the track, he should have a stop-go penalty.

Almost nobody has respect for these "pit lines".

Maybe (one more to the wishlist) a server option?
I don't like that post, its dis-respecting the mad swerving women :P
Would be tough... because look at the pit exit lines we have on some tracks...

Take South City Long REV for example. That exit path is nearly impossible for some cars to take, and would cause an accident just by someone going slow to drive in it. :doh:

But I agree with any sort of penalty system. We need a flag system overall before something like this is done I think.
Drive though penalty for crossing the white line, it should be done.
how about a auto speed when yellow flags or in the pit lane?

that would solve all the problems with the pitlane jumpers wouldnt it?
+1 very good idea. Tweaker has a point, on South City Long REV the pit lines r like a quater mile...ok maybe 300 ft.
#8 - tinyk
Quote from RMachucaA :Please...please!!!

I've had enough races ruined by people who exit pits like mad-women swerving onto the racing line and blocking\hitting whoever is coming.. Im sure theres hundreds of people who feel the same way i do.

So when the perpetrator exits pits and immediately floors it to the middle of the track, he should have a stop-go penalty.

pssh puhlease, all the people I saw hitting you were males. It was madness on that server today. I haven't seen that many crashes since my early demo days. lol

I don't know if a penalty would work or how you'd assess it... I guess like pitting, it'd work on some tracks but not others. Maybe a caution flag could be given to the person pitting out when oncoming traffic is X meters away from the pit exit? They tend to ignore blue flags already when they're exiting though so I don't know if caution flags would serve much purpose.


Pretty soon, tinyk will be the head track marshall for our servers in LFS. Just be careful, she'll wave that annoying pink flag whenever you get a penalty. (No, the pink flag has nothing to do with lesbians)

Quote from Tweaker :Hahah!

Pretty soon, tinyk will be the head track marshall for our servers in LFS. Just be careful, she'll wave that annoying pink flag whenever you get a penalty. (No, the pink flag has nothing to do with lesbians)


Pink flags are reserved for you. lol

All in all, I would welcome any automated enforcements of real world rules. The pit exit is one and a drive trough for passing under yellow is another. I guess I'd like the sim itself act as real time marshal and sort out the penalties there and then, so the league admin doesn't have to call for a judge and jury everytime someone has done anything wrong
#12 - Gunn
+1 for me.

The line at pit exit is known as a "blend line" and it works well when people obey it. There are still a few touchy pit exits in LFS but so are there in real life on many types of circuits.

Touching the blend line in LFS (when exiting the pits) should attract a drive-through penalty, at least.

To name a few, I think the most dangerous pit exits are these ones:

-South City Long REV (exit hugs the right side wall, many cars cannot stay within the 'no-cross' zone, and can crash into the wall. Also faster cars on the track come through that area quite fast, and come out wide where the cars would eventually merge causing an accident)

-Westhill (needs a longer exit for cars to get up to pace)

-Kyoto Oval/National pits (both normal and REV configs, it is just dangers because people don't stay on the shoulder below the banking)

-Fern Bay Club/Gold/Black REV configs (kind of risky area)
-Fern Bay Green/Rallycross REV (also kind of risky, always exiting on the apex area)

And the South City Classic and Town exit is pretty good, however it also exits very close to the apex... and I've noticed many people exiting have ruined people's races because the driver on the track cannot see them on the inside.

In all, those tracks have some lines you can cross that either are too short or too long that cause a lot of traffic issues and hazards. I think that a violation for such a thing would require a fair amount of track revisions. And as I already said, should come around when we have a penalty system... because by that time the detection for crossing into unauthorized zones would make this feature easier.

We've already seen the possibilities of making good pit lane exit/entrance revisions. So far Blackwood, and South City have had a fair amount of facelift.
for sc classic the perfect exit would be to make it like the pit exit in spa.
Yeah I thought of that too. The hairpin should be more like the hairpin at Laguna Seca. That would be the safest kind of exit for SO Classic.
It's enforced in LFS : F1, and any other SimFIA event.
+1 for auto-enforcement

and +1 to modify some of the exits to make it viable.

I use the minimap when exiting the pits and in arrive & crash i'll happily wait until the pack has passed. In league racing, i've not yet had to make the judgement call but I know the responsibility for safely joining is down to me. None of this "pit exit now" mallarky, it's my job to avoid the traffic as I join.

It can be dodgy in real life too, one of my friends had his racing career cut short last year because of somebody leaving the pits whilst he was side by side with another kart.
definatly, atm events run in crc have a penalty for crossing the line on pit exit, and we try and edit the tracks so this isnt possible. but you can only govern things so far, so a definitive law would be great, and some longer/wider pit exits maybe for certain tracks. i like the ky national rev pit exit.
I like this suggestion!
My well thought trough rules wishlist:

1) Drive Trough for crossing pit line on exit.
2) Drive Trough for passing under yellow.
3) Drive Trough for hitting from behind. *
4) Time Penalty for constant cutting.
5) Time Penalty for ignoring blue flag. **

* There would of course have to be some realy clever coding involved in this, but I've seen it in other games. If repeted enough times (say three times or five times) the Drive Trough turns into a disqualfication (kick from server?).

** The blue flag should have two modes. One static and one waved (as in real life). Static blue flag is only telling there is a faster vehicle behind. Waved blue flag is telling you have X number of "nodes" to find a place to leave room.

These are things that would make any league admins life a little easier
the drive through for passing under yellow flag would be a good thing, but would be hard to implament atm, cause when someone leaves the pits, they are put in front of you, so your position changes and then back once you cross the line.

the crossing the line, it can have the same principles as the start finish line, where as when you cross that, your laps increase, lap time resets etc, but instead, it can form on the pit lines, and have it so if you touch it(after leaving pits) then you auto get a drive through, or maybe a time penalty.
the cutting, i think that would be very hard to do, and the hitting from behind, again, too many variables.
Well, basically some of the accidents could be avoided if people give more room. Some just keep their line whatever was in front of them.

Some people, sheesh!

If you see a car that has spun off the track and is coming back to track, there is a chance that he does not see you. When in such situation you could at least move to the other side of the track, even though the "player who spun" should be more cautious. Remember, FZR and FXR, for example, can stop on sand and continue after you have passed, but the XRR gets stuck. Give them room.

Some players just lack the patience. A drive through penalty should be given if the person making the pass is dangerously trying to pass (like in the AS4 corkscrew or the chicane at AS nat.

But I guess that some people just don't care about the pit line markings because they don't know about them. So the simple way to ease the problem would be to show some text like: "Exiting pits. Don't go over the pit exit line". Or: "Exiting pits. Don't merge yet".
Has nobody thought about the chance you accidently skid or crash over that pit line? It will still give you a penalty, while you actually didn't do anything, or it must be coded in a way it recognizes skids, or it only does it job after you exit the pits (although it's also illegal to move from the track to the pitlane). Maybe I'm missing something here, but this was the first thing I thought of when I read the suggestion. I like the suggestion tho.
+2 Great Idea, in my National League , i could lost a race because people enter pits at las time crossing all lines. is a time gap win of 4 -8 seconds on ky national, fortunately he broke pits limits ^_^ !
Top suggestion.