The online racing simulator
Future Richard Burns Rally Rival ?
(93 posts, started )
Future Richard Burns Rally Rival ?
I have discovered a newly released first beta of a rally game called Pannonia Rally. The physics feel great for a first beta. I love it. The stage is also visually beautiful and so fun to drive on. No pace notes yet, but hopefully this will be developed because I can see this being a real gem of a rally sim. There is only 1 car in this which is a Lada. Nice RWD car to get to know what this is about, whether it is a sim or a game. I can really see this being a great great sim. Obviously because it is only a first beta, it has its bugs, it doesn't have damage and it lacks content. It's like LFS was when first released by Scawen.

Here is a link so you can see how it looks and how the car behaves - ... _3l8M&feature=related

This is the thread I found it on which includes a download link for the sim. Unfortunately the developer's website is all in hungarian at the moment. ... postorder=asc&start=0
Im sure to give it a trry today the next RBR seems intresting

And this seems to come at the totaly right time spot on! atleast im excited
I might give this sim a try, i wanna try the lada

E: This sim is very good for a beta, just try it guys
It can be good, downloading

Edit: It show me an error with Cshader parallax.glsl
#5 - amp88
Quote from Flame CZE :It can be good, downloading

Edit: It show me an error with Cshader parallax.glsl

Read the thread on BH Motorsports.

I'm downloading it now...
I am also downloading it now, i have RBR and that is a great game, so am interested to see what this game can do
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)
At least we Hungarians have something to be proud of.
It has got great skid sound, I'm using it now in LFS
Looks pretty good : downloading now.

E : getting that parallax.gsl failure, need the file but the hungarian website it is on doesn't work for me.
#10 - 5haz
Thanks for the heads up, looks interesting.

Would be a nice replacement for RBR, seeing as I have 2 RBR DVDs and suddenly they no longer work!
could you upload those?
I've had this game for a while now. It's quite impressive. It's a shame I can't get the ffb to work though!
The game so far is really good. If the guys developing it keep up this good work, than we will have an amazing rally sim
Video looks ace, downloading it now!

Hail to Hungary!
Just getting that damn error, don't really see how downloading a file that I already have will fix it anyway.. parallax.glsl is in cShaders folder
#16 - 5haz
Pah, same error message as everyone else.

Downloading that file works btw.
Quote from 5haz :Pah, same error message as everyone else.

Downloading that file works btw.

Can you send it then? Because I can't download it from that website..
Mine runs fine, although I get really low FPS even with everything on low and 800x600, and i have no force feedback.
Quote from mcintyrej :Mine runs fine, although I get really low FPS even with everything on low and 800x600, and i have no force feedback.

I also have no FFB
Could someone upload the /parallax.glsl file please?
Hmm.. Mine runs fine, FF works, and steady fps on 800*600 resolution (about 50 fps)
Everything works fine on my comp

Its in winrar, LFSforum doesnt support the file itself
Attached files - 1.2 KB - 341 views
Downloading now, looks pretty good!
Quote from EliteAti :Hmm.. Mine runs fine, FF works, and steady fps on 800*600 resolution (about 50 fps)
Everything works fine on my comp

Its in winrar, LFSforum doesnt support the file itself

Thanks Ati, testing now.
Doesn't work, is this the /parallax.glsl from the Hungarian site given on the thread for the game on BHMotorsports?
I run it maxed out with about 40 - 50 fps. I get very little ffb but it's still good and seems like it has got fantastic potential.
Quote from BlueFlame :Thanks Ati, testing now.
Doesn't work, is this the /parallax.glsl from the Hungarian site given on the thread for the game on BHMotorsports?

from BHM, works perfect on my rig, you have Vista or XP?

Future Richard Burns Rally Rival ?
(93 posts, started )