As far as I know the formula renault was a shot in the dark after one F renault team was for whatever reasons a driver down, so they turned to V1 to see if they could find a driver, but from what I remember (was ages ago right?) That if they were impressed by a drivers performance in the mini they would be allowed to test in the F renault, and if they impressed again then they might have got a drive.
I was also told their would be three more drives up for grabs through the V1 championship in December, the FBMW, Clio cup and a karting one, but since that deadline is pretty far gone now I doubt much more will happen.
Though, we thought the V1 was dead before then it shot to life after months of silence, so there may still be hope.
Edit : Hopefully Sam will fill us in with some info here, I thought he had packed his bags and left us behind, but I just noticed a couple of posts from him in other threads, so yea, maybe he can give a more official answer.