The online racing simulator
Quote from aceracer :

Don't you think all the report writing and checking is insane? If there's an admin on server, just get rid of the bad weed on the spot.

It's hard for us to watch every single car from a grid of 30 cars for bad driving. And if we look at replays and deal with them mid-race, we miss other accidents.

I originally created the report thing because I didn't think that we'd be spending all day adminning the server. And quite frankly, it isn't my intention to spend my entire half term adminning the server.
Quote from aceracer :Don't you think all the report writing and checking is insane? If there's an admin on server, just get rid of the bad weed on the spot. If not have vote enabled and if there's a reasonable bunch of decent people on server problems take care of themselves. All the report verifying must be a nightmare and will surely burn you lot our in the long run...

We'll see in the long run. One of the benefits is that all the reports/penalties are readable on our forum so Joseph's bad day won't result in anyone being banned.
The server is crazy. To many people in it, but it is so fun. Enjoy myself when i was racing. Even though i wasn't always getting goo results. But its just so fun to race.

Well done on getting the server going
Cam someone put Airios back on? Seems it crashed or something....
Apologies but someone trying to connect to the server was being epically laggy, we've had to restart the server, so sorry if you have Queue Position:32 when trying to get back in
Was crap today, 60-80% of the server was noob infested, then there was some hacker, then i got took out blatantly and the guy only got a warning, then i try to spec and some idiot with something slower than i dial up connection tries to connect and im sat there for like 5 mins waiting to spec and he still hand't connected so i pulled the plug, tried to tell you but i only had the SHIAYM! bind lol
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Was crap today, 60-80% of the server was noob infested, then there was some hacker, then i got took out blatantly and the guy only got a warning, then i try to spec and some idiot with something slower than i dial up connection tries to connect and im sat there for like 5 mins waiting to spec and he still hand't connected so i pulled the plug, tried to tell you but i only had the SHIAYM! bind lol

Yeah the lag was annoying. The "lag bars" or whatever you call them, were at the highest for most of the morning Still had some fun races, found that if i dont get taken out in first lap i can usually finish in top 8
We're back up now
wow from the pics it looks packed. Will the server be up 24h and just down for fixing beucase since i'm in canada i race when you guys are in bed sleeping so sometimes the servers are closed and i want some good TBo racing
Quote from swisscosmo :wow from the pics it looks packed. Will the server be up 24h and just down for fixing beucase since i'm in canada i race when you guys are in bed sleeping so sometimes the servers are closed and i want some good TBo racing

Its usually very full from 3-11pm GMT, but from last night it was still fairly full right to about 3am GMT.

So you should get in

And it is up 24h. Even if the insim isnt....
Quote from J@tko :Its usually very full from 3-11pm GMT, but from last night it was still fairly full right to about 3am GMT.

So you should get in

And it is up 24h. Even if the insim isnt....

Ok its noon lunch time right know so i'll be on in 1 or 2 hours so i you have the time can you clean my car for me?
#112 - xtm
Great racing, I feel real rusty though, gotta get some practice with those TBO's.. Anyways, big kudos for getting this up and running!
BTW, what's up with everyone having a photoshopped 3-color avatar?
Some fantastic racing today, especially around BL1R.

Might see you all again tomorrow for the conclusion of the first points competition.

ATM, Rudy has a huuuuugggggeeee lead over "ennd" [which should be even more, if it were'nt for some airio discos], Void is in third just a bit back.

I think we're going to pick a different car to use for the next few days, I have 2 "sets" of cars in mind, but as always your thoughts are welcome.

And thanks to everyone who was helping us mark out "n00bs" on the server - without your help the racing wouldn't have been half as clean
Congrats on the server popularity. I think that's awesome! Good to see people are finding cool places to race and great to see TBO doing so well
Quote from zeugnimod :I have to say that it wasn't exactly the most clean racing imagineable tonight.

I take everything back, tonight was awesome.

BTW, the points list on your page is kinda outdated.
Did an update just 10 minutes ago

It's won't be updated for about another 8 hours now.. I'm going to bed.. good night
good racing last night guys. servers were again packed. one or two wreckers but i don't think it was much of an issue. i reported one guy but my report was declined. not to worry tho, if the guy i reported keeps driving the way he was then i'm sure the ban stick will be shown to him.
Waow can't wait to try this server out when I get my S2 License
Yep had some good races on there last night, looking forward to more of them!
Quote from Energy-Drink :Waow can't wait to try this server out when I get my S2 License

You should certainly check it out, it's a superb TBO class server.
There is some really good racing there.
Are you planning to increase the lap count a bit? E.g. AS7R 3 laps is a bit short, 5 would be more like it, the first lap is a mess anyway and mostly about getting through the midfield junkyard unscathed more than anything else.
We aim for races to be 8-9 mins long. It's long enough to have a nice battle and short enough for the people who got knocked off or whatever not to get bored.

And I think it should have been 4 laps at AS7 [WR 2.16 smthing], so sorry if it was only 3

Also we're going to implement auto track changing soon.
I see where you're coming from, though I still think the shorter the races the less reasons there are to be clean.

You're still planning to change class every week or so?
Quote from NightShift :You're still planning to change class every week or so?

We're probably changing class tonight - 10pm GMT
well yesterday i was on and it was very full but i was part of a major car pileup usually so i couldn't do that well.

And I got an error saying "MP Replay out of stash space" and from reading other topics about this problem some people say its something with the server but i don't know as i had 2GB fre on m comp bt know i have 7GB.

NDR Public Racing - OPEN NOW
(353 posts, started )