The online racing simulator
'Locked-in' drivers for Round 3, Reserve List, No-shows & NEW SIGN-UPS (CLOSED)
'Locked-in' Drivers for Round 2

The following drivers, who are the top 15 drivers in the Driver's Championship after Round 2, are now 'locked-in' for Round 3 of the iTCC. That is to say, they have qualified directly through to the iTCC event itself, and do not have to qualify through the 'Reserve Shootout'.

These drivers are:

16 N.Scott
26 J. Atkinson
33 B.Keough
38 P.Dolezal
47 D.Lind
57 R.v.Buren
69 H.Marques
86 M.Cherkashyn
88 D.Vuckovic
94 A.Laudens
99 F.Enersen
200 K.A. Gjerde
209 P. Diaz

All other drivers must qualify through to the 3rd round of the iTCC through the Reserve Shootouts.

These drivers are in the Reserve Shootouts:

Reserve List

4 D. Lobb
5 T. Osterhouse
7 M. Boljevic
9 C. Ford
15 L. Malecki
20 N. Grans
23 J.Pickard
24 K. O'Keefe
25 T. D'Souza
27 T.Hynninen
30 B. Grindle
31 C. Wilkinson
35 J. Ward
41 A. Ristic
44 Á. Árnason
66 T. Østgaard
71 K. Gasiunas
73 J. Dimic
74 P. Vladan
77 D. Novak
80 M. Meier
87 J. Lovett
89 J. Matthews
91 J. Miranda
96 E. Kasperniunas
213 P. Goik
217 A. Collett
222 D. Faurie
228 L. Kaczmarek
236 K. Burns
246 G. Alamaras
282 Z. Cagas
285 E. Bitan
288 A. Perrs

No-shows required to confirm interest

The drivers listed below did not appear at Round 2 of the iTCC Touring Car Championship and are requested to confirm their interest in the iTCC for Round 3 by replying to this post in this thread with 'Still Interested'. Upon receipt of their reply they will be moved to the Reserve Shootouts.

6 C. Zörner
12 A. Moor
18 J. Jokela
36 G. Noll
40 D. Nikolin
42 S. A. Skavdal
46 D. Zanetti
81 F. Fredrikkson
98 S. Stankevičius
82 S.Mathei
28 T. Falkenberg
211 T. Oliver
212 K. Johnsen
229 J. Souai
256 L. Baker

New Sign-ups

There are several places in the Reserve List. Sign-ups are invited from drivers not currently in the iTCC Touring Car Championship. These drivers will join the other drivers already in the Reserve List and must qualify themselves through to the iTCC event through the Reserve Shootouts.

300 I. Sindic
301 R. Müller
322 G. Kane
353 J. Kursk

Unable to attend round 3:

8 V. Gruppelaar
13 A. Zadro
55 M.Makalowski
97 S.Moore
207 A. Turner
376 H. Say

No longer interested
92 M. Ruis


To be eligibile to enter the iTCC you must be able to meet a minimum standard of outright pace - the iTCC requires that you can lap within 103% of a recognised benchmark. In this case it is Rudy Van Buren's fastest race lap from the Pre-Season meeting at Aston Grand Touring (AS6) - 2:45.22. So the time you will be required to beat is 2:50.18

When registering your interest in this series please submit a .spr hot lap of your racing at Aston Grand Touring (AS6)

Please submit the .spr as an attachment to your sign-up post.

Joining iTCC

Please signal your intention to join the iTCC by replying to this post with the following information as shown below:
  • LFS Username :
  • Real Name :
  • Team :
  • Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) :
  • Preferred Number :
Where new drivers belong to a team already competing in the iTCC, if they have a team currently with only 1 driver, then they may join that driver in the that team.

New team entries are allowed within the guidelines published in this thread.

Race Numbers

Any numbers are available between 300 & 399.

Allocation of race numbers is strictly on a first come first served basis.

Rules are here, bear in mind these are in the process of being revised, it would be wise to re-check the rules before Round 3 begins.

Skins must be to the guidlines published here

Best of luck to the new entrants, and to everybody, thankyou for supporting the series, let's give a good show at Round 3!


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin
still intrested.
#3 - HVS5b
still interested
Still interested.
#5 - J@tko
Quote from J@tko ::hide:

You got the money then I take it?

Hah! :ices_rofl Yeah, it'll keep me in Jaffa Cakes for a while

Seriously though, well done.
still interested.

although, can i ask a favour? i live in australia (where the shoot out starts at 2:30am), and i was wondering if it was possible that i have to compete in the later of the two (or however many) sessions. every bit of extra sleep counts :P
Quote from travyd :still interested.

although, can i ask a favour? i live in australia (where the shoot out starts at 2:30am), and i was wondering if it was possible that i have to compete in the later of the two (or however many) sessions. every bit of extra sleep counts :P

Yeah no problems at all mate!
(racer hero) DELETED by racer hero
#9 - Gil07
Still interested.
  • LFS Username : Fuse5
  • Real Name : Jörgen Kursk
  • Team : Concept racing
  • Eligible (Hotlap under 2:50.18) : attached with plenty of fail included.
  • Preferred Number : 353
Attached files
JKursk_AS6_24953.spr - 208.6 KB - 315 views
Still Interested
Still Interested
still interested , couldent make the last race cos i dident get home from work in time
I am still intrested, for sure
hard decision for me... I'm interested no doubt about it... but from minute to minute i have to realise that sundays get busier and busier (hope I spelled it right)

In the case you need some help for something I'd be available for you... as long as it does not have anything to do with sunday evenings

EDIT: spelling corrected... thanks to DWB
just one 's'. ;]

Sorry, as I smell that I won't be aviable for Round 3, you'd better remove me for the list. I'll possibly sign-up for Round 4 anyway.
Interested. Still interested.
Still interested, but I'll probably miss the next round, too
Still. Still interested
Still interested
LFS Username : GTR_Yuni
Real Name : Haruna Say
Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) : (attached below)
Preferred Number : 376
Attached files
GTR_Yuni_AS6_FXR_24884.spr - 102.4 KB - 279 views
LFS Username : sigor1976
Real Name : Igor Sindic
Team : CROtm
Eligible (Hotlap under 2:50.18) : att
Preferred Number : 53 if it is free
Attached files
2_49_380.spr.spr - 154.9 KB - 308 views
This thread is closed