Good posts and valid points, specially the part about you chose the critism you want to take to yourselfe, and work with that as a base.
And of couse we should be allowed to bitch a little to the dev's every now and then eheh, but lately it's been too much of it, and it's been the same things over and over again. Usually there isn't much you can do about it either, or answer on it, because it's just a statement to manifests that you disagree with the slow development speed.. and that again - nothing really wrong about that, but it's the part making a topic just for that purpose is kind of..silly
On other aspects of the posts I canot discuss about, because my english is not good enough to really get in deep conversations/discussion

(not that I could given any good points, but there often are lof of things I want to say with a actually point, but my language prevent from writing because I have no clue what so ever how to put it).
But, lets try saying it this way : It's ok you disagree with the development speed by the devs, but please keep it to yourselfe. Every now and then people thinks it's slow, but then we have to remeber the post to Scawen where he tells that LFS is not meant to be played 24/7. It's meant to be played, and much, but you still got a life outside, other games to explore, or other things to do then coming over to forum moaning about no progress.
And, to people who have not moved, moving house is shit

And no offence to your wife Scawen, but we all do now - moving with ladies is a pain in the freakin ass, and without them the move would take twice as short time