The online racing simulator
I am currently discussing MPR online storage.. solutions

No guarantee of anything yet, though.
Airio can run PHP scripts at the start of a race, so if you save the replay somewhere a script could rename it to the date/time it was created, add the filename to a database or a file, which then could form part of a web form which would allow users to select the race date/time

Or, even if you don't store mprs online you could still have the script run at race start but simply add the current date/time to the db/file - either way it means you don't have to upload an mpr.
Quote from boothy :Airio can run PHP scripts at the start of a race, so if you save the replay somewhere a script could rename it to the date/time it was created

don't need to... php can do that... i had a friend whip this up in a couple minutes...


function cmpFilesByDate($a$b) {
filesize($a) == filesize($b))

                return (
filesize($a) < filesize($b)) ? -1;

$dir '/path/to/mpr';
$files scandir($dir);


        foreach (
$a as $key => $value) {


it's just missing the web form.
Erm, you would need to rename them as the autosave function simply saves it as "<track>_<race/quali>_<laps>_<starters>_<finishers>" - which isn't exactly informative and if you have a lot from the same track then you end up getting "_2" , "_3" etc added to the end if the filenames are the same.

Plus, that code sorts by filesize, which isn't what's required
Quote from boothy :Erm, you would need to rename them as the autosave function simply saves it as "<track>_<race/quali>_<laps>_<starters>_<finishers>" - which isn't exactly informative and if you have a lot from the same track then you end up getting "_2" , "_3" etc added to the end if the filenames are the same.

Plus, that code sorts by filesize, which isn't what's required

i didn't exactly check the code, but doesn't it sort by date and then if a file has the same date/time, it sorts by size... but theoretically that shouldn't happen.

edit: and now i test it and it looks broken... heh... proof of concept though.
Just gotta say ,

I have joined your server on 4 or 5 occasions now , and had a bloody good time each time I have ...

Nice work
google to the rescue again.


= array();
$files_directory "./mprdump";
$fdirectory opendir("$files_directory");
    while (
false!==($file=readdir($fdirectory))) {
        if ((
$file != ".") && ($file != ".." )) {
$files[$file] = filemtime("$files_directory/$file");
"<tr><td>$key</td><td>".date("M j, h:ia"$val)."</td></tr>\n";


Server is back to public mode now, until Sunday when the next Kyoto 250 sessions will be.

That wasn't my homework!
It was the rules I had to write out
My God!

They've put adverts on Mogulus...
:ices_rofl No i hadn't seen that yet.
Don't look at me on the ads, Ben did that.
ERT/IMA are trying to challenge NDR in terms of epic failing
It was me forgetting to turn the stream off while i was writing the rules for the TBO Challenge lol
Are you going to post the current standings on your site anytime soon? It still says the competition just started.
Ohlol... Totally forgot.. Fail.

Will do now
Yeah, wanna know if I still am in the top 20 since I wasn't on the server today.
Quote from zeugnimod :Yeah, wanna know if I still am in the top 20 since I wasn't on the server today.

Zeug, do not worry, you are 9th just now.
Super server, super admins
Went online last night to check the server out finally.

Really, really much fun.

Quite a lot of people who obviously had very little experience in TBOs and big grids (on South City Long! ) but once you managed to climb to 10th position or higher the racing was clean and tough. And the climb through the grid was fun too.
We want track changeeeee
First-class public server.
I visited the server 1st time today and I must say, that the only thing I saw (whether on the track or in chat log) were people having fun. The race was full all the time. Keep it up .

I think that would be quite good to change track always after a few races, 5-10 for example. Automatically. I don't know, maybe there is already some interval or something. I drove only about 4 races on the server .
Quote from Drift King CZ :I think that would be quite good to change track always after a few races, 5-10 for example. Automatically. I don't know, maybe there is already some interval or something. I drove only about 4 races on the server .

That's coming

NDR Public Racing - OPEN NOW
(353 posts, started )