The online racing simulator
"No reponse in servers list"
(19 posts, started )
#1 - Byku
"No reponse in servers list"
Ok... guys got a strange bug. I'm in servers list screen, when i click on the servers and for example it is full, and then I return to servers list screen and click refresh... my lfs gets "no response" from EVERY server, i have to click "back" from the server list, and go to it again to be able to refresh... servers list... hope You get it .
Seems like it's ok as you're shown as online on some Destruction Derby server.

Could have just been a cut out in your internet or the master server, although I doubt it's from LFS as it would have likely kicked everyone who was online, off at the time.
#3 - Byku
Nah... I can refresh and I see servers... ok.. i'll try to describe it again ^^. I go to multiplayer... it automaticly refreshes the list, everything ok. Then... when I click on the server and for example it is full I am back to server list... then in that screen when I click refresh I get all servers with "no response". I have to go further back(to the screen where You schose skins resolution etc) and then go to server list screen again(it refreshes automaticly) and then everything is ok again. I can click refresh in that screen also without a problem UNTIL i don't try to join a full(for example) server.
Oh... and i've got another problem.
I've got this replay from DD server, in the beginning where is this huge pile up my LFS just simply freezes... here is a this replay(try focusing camera on middle section of the race):
Attached files
DESTRUCTION DERBY 4.mpr - 614.6 KB - 216 views
#4 - Byku
Guys... so... everything seems fine on Your LFS? I'm just curious is it my pc, or is it common. Please check also the mpr. Thanks in advance.
#5 - Byku
Hmm... seriously, i'm wondering is it my pc(especially the mpr replay) or is it common....
Hello, yeah I actually don't have any idea what it could be, seems like it's your PC
Yes, I still get this bug. Try refreshing the server list a few times, and once you'll get no response from any of the servers.
I've had that problem before, just go back to the selection screen (list hosts/join specific/start own/find) and wait about 30 seconds.
#9 - Byku
What about the mpr? Try different cameras. Does it freeze Your pc?
I get that glitch every time I refresh without fail, just press back at the bottom left then click find servers again. Its a nuisance not a massive glitch.
#11 - Byku
I KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT! That mpr... on my pc it freezes comp in t1 at the very beginning, is it working on Your LFS?
Try hitting the case, maybe the cookie-meter is not right?
About that no response bug. There is a stable way to reproduce it.

Start LFS, go to multiplayer, get server list. Then try to connect to full server, then go back to servers list window. If you'll try refreshing it now, it won't show any servers. Works everytime for me, both Z and Z10 versions.
Quote from Byku :I KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT! That mpr... on my pc it freezes comp in t1 at the very beginning, is it working on Your LFS?

I can watch the whole mpr, till you end up on your roof when you saved it, and the fps never dropped below 30 on my machine
#15 - Byku
So that means it my pc problem. Thx for testing.
Quote from Byku :Nah... I can refresh and I see servers... ok.. i'll try to describe it again ^^. I go to multiplayer... it automaticly refreshes the list, everything ok. Then... when I click on the server and for example it is full I am back to server list... then in that screen when I click refresh I get all servers with "no response". I have to go further back(to the screen where You schose skins resolution etc) and then go to server list screen again(it refreshes automaticly) and then everything is ok again. I can click refresh in that screen also without a problem UNTIL i don't try to join a full(for example) server.

I have the same bug 3 or 4 times. Its really annoying to see that none of the servers gives response.
#17 - VoiD
Quote from Byku :...Oh... and i've got another problem.
I've got this replay from DD server, in the beginning where is this huge pile up my LFS just simply freezes... here is a this replay(try focusing camera on middle section of the race):

Thats interesting. Freezed my LFS too...
Quote from Fox 2 :About that no response bug. There is a stable way to reproduce it.

Start LFS, go to multiplayer, get server list. Then try to connect to full server, then go back to servers list window. If you'll try refreshing it now, it won't show any servers. Works everytime for me, both Z and Z10 versions.

Yep, this is very weird.
i have the same problem
when i get that i press on esc and i go back to multyplayer screen and then i go back to the serverlist and everything works fine.

"No reponse in servers list"
(19 posts, started )