Hello, I started to make this conversation of YVIS:
YVIS means, "You Vote It" Suggestion, in there, you can vote your opinions and talk about what is would be a best way to improve any thing on LFS, or is it even needed? You Vote It!
(PLEASE: Don't say that this already suggested or that this is not needed. I am trying to make good talk about YVIS - Questions with poll, which is telling your opinion and so on. Thank You)
This is not founded on similar threads anyway, This have got some talk about this case before.
Question 2: Should it be needed more items/obstacles to make own layout?
Why this is needed? = Well, Most of Racers in LFS Community likes to make their layouts and showing to others or releasing to use for everyone. Usually I have seen and heard that they need more different items and obstacles, just to create their new ideas, and making fresh new autocross layouts, or even to make for example: to Aston... a cruise layout
or just a different layouts
However, if creating a new layout items/obstacles, then it have to think about, what is really needed. Maybe a Curve Barrell, to make a smooth corner on autocross, would be nice to make an excellent layout, to get less often, nice "bug hit", what is sometimes very annoying. On the other hand, there is no sense, if just making only ramps and loops or halfpipes. Of course, it is fun to make them, and I think we would be not annoyed, if we would have a new ramp- item. So, there is many different kinds of items to possible create. Poll has a more choice options.
What is your opinion? You vote it! (I am just asking, you are telling!)
YVIS means, "You Vote It" Suggestion, in there, you can vote your opinions and talk about what is would be a best way to improve any thing on LFS, or is it even needed? You Vote It!
(PLEASE: Don't say that this already suggested or that this is not needed. I am trying to make good talk about YVIS - Questions with poll, which is telling your opinion and so on. Thank You)
This is not founded on similar threads anyway, This have got some talk about this case before.
Question 2: Should it be needed more items/obstacles to make own layout?
Why this is needed? = Well, Most of Racers in LFS Community likes to make their layouts and showing to others or releasing to use for everyone. Usually I have seen and heard that they need more different items and obstacles, just to create their new ideas, and making fresh new autocross layouts, or even to make for example: to Aston... a cruise layout
However, if creating a new layout items/obstacles, then it have to think about, what is really needed. Maybe a Curve Barrell, to make a smooth corner on autocross, would be nice to make an excellent layout, to get less often, nice "bug hit", what is sometimes very annoying. On the other hand, there is no sense, if just making only ramps and loops or halfpipes. Of course, it is fun to make them, and I think we would be not annoyed, if we would have a new ramp- item. So, there is many different kinds of items to possible create. Poll has a more choice options.
What is your opinion? You vote it! (I am just asking, you are telling!)