The online racing simulator
OMG they are amazing!
nice Work again Lynce..
and regarding the reflection´s..
i have 1,00 and all i do is adjusting the camangle to not get shiny spot´s in weard places.. do using a personal Bloom to with cromesteel effect on and more reflection´s..

look´s really goody with this added..


TmDB Nicce
Quote from Lynce :

I thought that was it that. But I was not sure. You can adjust the brightness as Takumi says.

Ahh cool!
Great job Lynce!!! Sweet refs, I'm gonna take way better artistic screens with those! Thanks a lot
(PioneerLv) DELETED by PioneerLv
I just wondered how this will look with bloom.... I can't do it on my comp since the system will explode with graphics overload!
belive me.. it´s look really good
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Quote from Nicce :belive me.. it´s look really good

Are you serious? I mean, it's not quite obvious from the preview pics that this mod is awesome anyway...
these ARE.. AWSOME!!!!!
Quote from Nicce :belive me.. it´s look really good

OMG!! If that was a real car, I would have thought it was a new GRID or NFS: Shift screen shot!
To get it to look realy good, just lower the car shine setting in the CFG to around 0.65-0.50 and then go into your graphics card control panel.

From the graphics card panel go to color and select color for full screen 3d, then increase the contrast and decrease the brightness.

I find that in the ATI CCC, LFS looks best if I set the contrast to 160 and the brightness to -60, any higher and the sky starts to turn into a single mass of color. Of course this will be different for everyone, so just play around with it. but make sure that you always keep the settings even, so if you go to 150 contrast, go to -50 brightness, if you don't it will either be to dark or it will go grey.

Note: any recorded footage will still come out normal contrast and brightness, it won't be corrected like you see it in game.
WoW! Its awesome! Thanks.
new reflectation?! by lynce?! must have!!!!
(looks AWSOME!!)
with lynce help LFS is going to get directx 10!!!!
Very nice Lynce, as always.
I'll try it later myself.
I love all your stuff Lynce. Any reason isn't there?
Looks great. Thank you Lynce for wonderful work!

But with 1.00 car_shine in cfg.txt your reflections are way too shiny for me,
changed it to 0.50 - beautiful.
Lynce, this is amazing. I love all of your work. I'm using this reflection pack now. Thanks a lot
Amazing, as always Lynce
On the reality side, the reflections are not very "amazing" ... But on the gaming side, when looking at the LFS textures, then these textures are absolutely amazing. Fits very nicely on the game, very good for making videos tho
1st man who will make a crit input for this one?? :$

sorry but need to ask annyway to so..: anny one else having a shadow over the car that´s not really are there??
ihave on the XRT and the FZ5 and it´s following around the track like a shadow.. can get pic´s if u don´t udnerstand what i meaning.
^ dont understand. pic pls

I like these reflections. Using at carshine=0.65 and enbseries bloom mod.
Thankyou Lynce, see people do appreciate good things!
like this reflection pack to and also using Bloom modd..
just wanna know if annyone else have the same "shadow" that i do..
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Wow , Great work! I think il turn down the carshine too , also Nicce could u PM me the ENB settings? thanks
Quote from lukelfs :Wow , Great work! I think il turn down the carshine too , also Nicce could u PM me the ENB settings? thanks

sure.. but i´ve got to tell u.. i use it for screen´s movies only.. little bit to dark to drive with and will kill u´re FPS..

the pic i took first with the FZ was on carshine: 1,00 and bloom
second was xrt carshine: 1,00 and no bloom..

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swe LFS.rar - 105 KB - 252 views