The online racing simulator
Friends list with Join feature?
Hey! I think a friends list in game would be nice (if its not there yet though, i havent started LFS yet for a year or two) and then you can add friends and press "Join" or "chat" when they are ingame? SOrry if it has been up before
lfsworld to see where the friend is playing.. and for chatting, dunno..

+1 from me, lfsworld should be made ingame
+1 and i dont know if this has been sugested before, but an option to add favorite servers ingame would be great too.
I've suggested this.
Yeah man. That would been awesome.
+1 and a favourite servers list would be awesome.
+1 when including fav. server feature
Think LFSWorld works fair enough. Here you can add friends and see what servers they are on, aswell as joining it by having some extra program. But, all including in a meny INSIDE LFS would be great, so +1 from me.
friends list in lfs.... +10
complete lfsw in lfs +999999999
Friends list in LFS +1
Favorite servers in LFS +1

There are too many servers in LFS now and sometimes it is hard to find my favorite.
Inside LFS? Well Victor will probably have to learn C , I think Mr. Scawen is busy making a race sim not MySpace sim

So this may take some time, best use LFSworld till that day.

Here's my FRIENDS FINDER inside LFS. Unzip to the data/script folder and type //fr in multiplayer to see if your buddies are online. Good to use when your hanging around in LFS and can't be bothered loading up LFSworld.
Note edit your friends with notepad into the script. Leave my friends alone mmmkay?
edit: The names appear first, then the places they are connected appear second in a big list. It's not great but the LFS scripting system does not allow multiple spanning of structured output well. If someone can figure out how to make the commands wait so the output is delayed then go for it and post your script.

I also have a script to list my favourite servers with a //s command. Then copy the server name from the chat (Ctrl+C) and Ctrl+V into Join Specific host menu, so you don't have to leave LFS to get server names. Edit your server names with notepad.

These are cumbersome, but useful if you are desperate.
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Will give it a try after I get back from school.