May I ask what the use of this topic is? Is it to get people thinking they got bigger penises if their server is the most liked one?
Seriously, just go online and see for yourselfe, join the server you want, or most people or whatever, but to make topics like "what's the best server" thingy is 1 - useless, 2 - anoying since most of the people don't really are into cruise thingy, 3 - did I say useless earlier?
Well, so heres the deal, why does you cruise-people allways have to make up these topics. Well, it might not have been asked before, but at least the most stupid questions comes by 80% of the times from cruisers.
And tbh, I am starting to get tired of you, don't make so much..notice of yourselfe please.
Wonder if I am going to make topics about, what server is best, what person do I like best, what porno does I like best, what is the best nissan VOB file, what is the best drift sound, what is the best engine sound, OH FOR LOVE OF JESUS CRUISERS, leave us allone for these questions!
Yes, today I am actually feed up by some people.