Poll : Best cruise server

Closed since :
[TC] CityDriving
WS.C Cruising
[CLC] CityLifeCrew Cruise
[LTC] Live To Cruise
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :Try [ExoC] Cruise 1

The server's current name is [720][EC] Cruise

We have modified insim. With health meter coming soon!

Modified insim meaning you didn't make it yourself in the first place?
#77 - T.J.
TC banned me for no reason so they don`t get my vote..
#78 - RS1T
Quote from T.J. :TC banned me for no reason so they don`t get my vote..

I seriously doubt it was for no reason. Stop kidding yourself and take it like a man
All servers are equally popular. Sometimes people go to other servers because the one where there is more racers, is full. When I see 3 racers in wsc, tc... normally, I don't join the server.

About some servers like LTC, I hate when you have an accident with a barrier, start to fly and auto-spectate and lose about 1200€, it's absurd, they would fix it.

My vote is anonymous.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Just by this thread you can tell why racers don't particually like the cruise servers, the level of intelligence here is pretty pathetic.

Well, thats a bit of a generalisation...

But I suppose, there are absoloutly no unintelligent racers...
I have never seen a pathetic post by a non-cruiser...

There are idiots who are cruisers, yes. But dont say we all are like that.
I voted for TC. CLC has no big cruises, and isn't into the "cruising" environment. Everyone is going wrong way, speeding around in GTR, and you can't talk to buds there. I was told to STFU for talking to a bud, the reason was i never "stfu". LTC, is easy for new cruisers, but the same thing, and they dont have big cruises where the whole server is cruising together like TC has. I just feel TC is more into the cruising environment.
#82 - T.J.
Some Cadets claimed that I did hit them, but I was hit in the first place.. So I tried to tell a Officer what happened but I got banned before I got time to do it..
Quote from T.J. :Some Cadets claimed that I did hit them, but I was hit in the first place.. So I tried to tell a Officer what happened but I got banned before I got time to do it..

Theres a reason behind you being banned from [TC].

Want it, well you can PM me for it if you want to know
#84 - T.J.
Why should I when I know the reason? I am perm banned too for this stuff.. North East should get back
Quote from T.J. :TC banned me for no reason so they don`t get my vote..


You were banned because you threatend to hack our servers..

That's why you were banned..

I've escorted about 2, 10 - 20 User cruises in my police car over the last week
I would like to say to people who are complaining about getting ban for nothing , or the admins are abusing their powers ... Well they must be a good reason why you've got banned , and i'm not talking about WS.C only, i'm sure that all other Cruise Team admins got a good reason to banned you.

atleast we all agree with that.

+1 preach it brada!!!
#88 - th84
My [TC] ban was removed 3 days ago ... Now, i tested the "selfish ban-meter" ... It worked.

I renamed myself as [DC]>Hazaky< ... and i got ban for it. I told them that its not the same as [TC] ... I also told that, its my new team ... They still ban me ... Well, yeah
(kasutaja) DELETED by kasutaja
Quote from kasutaja :TC is pointless


Edit: Btw, kasutaja ... Are u really from that country? "kasutaja" means "user" in our language
Quote from hazaky :FTW!

Edit: Btw, kasutaja ... Are u really from that country? "kasutaja" means "user" in our language

Okay +1 postcount for me again!
I voted for WS.C
I used to drive in [TC] before, but when I got into WS.C, I don't miss [TC] at all. I like WS.C because of the all over atmosphere between other cruisers and admins. I also like more the style of InSim on WS.C.
I started to dislike [TC] because of smartass admins (sorry about my language ) and the cops who interfere into things which clearly aren't their business. :irked:
Quote from micarone :I voted for WS.C
I used to drive in [TC] before, but when I got into WS.C, I don't miss [TC] at all. I like WS.C because of the all over atmosphere between other cruisers and admins. I also like more the style of InSim on WS.C.
I started to dislike [TC] because of smartass admins (sorry about my language ) and the cops who interfere into things which clearly aren't their business. :irked:

Agree +1 to my postcount ... again =)
hmmm "best" and "cruise"

An Oxymoron surly?

pull over im am the cops loool
Quote from DoC_uk :hmmm "best" and "cruise"

An Oxymoron surly?

pull over im am the cops loool

Damn, I'm agreeing with you again.
Quote from zeugnimod :Damn, I'm agreeing with you again.

twice in 2 weeks !!

Theres gonna be flying pork I tells ya !
Quote from doc_uk :hmmm "best" and "cruise"

an oxymoron surly?

Pull over im am the cops loool

Who ever said they were banned from TC for a stupid reason is a moron. You guys act like complete jackholes in their servers expect NOT to get banned, then once you got banned you start crying. How about for all the asses that are crying for their bans in any cruise server, MAN UP. Go get a life, do something other than crying about a stupid ban. You guys are complete idiots. I understand you got nothing to lose for getting banned by a cruise server, but don't bring down the good cruise team's names by saying they have mean or smartass admins, or old cranky admins. Thats really stupid and immature. And I am sure that some of you are racers on LFS, thats why you say cruising sucks. How come you guys are saying that racers don't post stupid stuff but there is stuff that I've seen not only in this thread, but in the threads all around LFSForum. Cruising isnt all that bad, Drifting isnt all that bad. Were all on S2 so it shows we care about LFS by paying for it. I am sure I will get flamed by this post.

Just my dollar.


Quote from hazaky :My [TC] ban was removed 3 days ago ... Now, i tested the "selfish ban-meter" ... It worked.

I renamed myself as [DC]>Hazaky< ... and i got ban for it. I told them that its not the same as [TC] ... I also told that, its my new team ... They still ban me ... Well, yeah

I can use my head and common sense and figure out why you got banned from TC. Changing your name to [DC] is NOT the reason just by using my head. I can say one reason is being an arsehole. Just by observing I can figure out the reason you got banned. That shows my common sense. Don't act stupid. Bottom line.