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LFS Forum Musicians
Inspired by the various musician threads we had here recently, i made this thread for all other people on this forum who are into music making/producing/playing (people who have their own thread already are allowed to post in here aswell of course).

Please share a few basic informations about yourself... something along the lines of:

- Artist Name
- Genre
- Experience and History
- Instruments
- Hardware
- Software
- Website
- anything else you want to let us know about

This thread really should be for all kinds of music. It doesn't matter if you are a DJ, a producer, play an instrument, are a singer, whatever. It doesn't matter if you just started, or have years of experience. Even if it's just a hobby for you, feel free to post aswell.

With this, i've said enough i think, and am looking forward to lots of interesting posts from all of you!
(this feels like anonymous alcoholics society)
Hello, my name is Anatoly and I'm a-(*sob*) a guitarist
Lol funnycat, do not despair!

Everyone usually calls me Henry. I play Baroque, Romantic, Classical, Contemporary, Jazz, and Rock. I've played piano for roughly 12 years and guitar for a few months on and off. I am in Certificate of Merit and currently at Level 10 piano in it (and I'll have to stay there until the end of high school). I've been to a few honors recitals and got nominated for convention once. I have won two Baroque festivals and got honorary mention once. I have a Yamaha upright piano at home and a Fender Squier Strat from my friend with a crappy Fender amp. I don't have any good recording hardware but I use Audacity to record things. I also use Guitar Pro to write music. I rarely have enough time to practice both the guitar and piano. My sight reading ability is pretty abysmal. I hate to play the piano but love it when I have a very good sounding piece to play (usually songs by Japanese composers or Chopin).
And to start things off...

Artist name: Jibber (d'ohh, hehe!)

Genre: Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop (not really fixed to any kind of genre)

Experience and History: I've played all kind of instruments as a kid. Whatever was around and i could get my hands on was ok. I've played piano, violin, flute, guitar, drums, etc. I've never owned any of those however, and never took lessons. We either had the instruments at home, or i've found them at friends places.

When i was about 14 years old, i wanted to learn to play guitar, and took lessons for about one year. I stopped taking the lessons, but always kept playing a little, maybe once a week for an hour or two. This remained until i was around 20 years old, when for some reason, i've stopped playing, until i was 24-25. Since then i play on the same basis again (once a week an hour or two).

It was at this time, when i started to record myself playing. I was always easily bored from playing alone, but never really had the motivation to start a band with friends. Recording myself was an easy way to be able to play along to something.

After some time i wasn't satisfied anymore and wanted to have beats aswell. I've tried to make them with Fruity Loops, but didn't like it at all. It felt weird to not actually play the beats and create them via some software... the results were horrible...
So i kept searching drumloops on the net and used those instead. It's hard to find something good which you don't have to pay for, so i've always used the same ones more or less.

It was ok for what it was... i still mainly did the recordings because i enjoy playing along to something so much. But after some time i felt like i needed a little more. The beats were always the same. The guitar, which i've simply plugged into my little 10 year old amp and from there went into the line-in of my aswell 10 year old soundcard, didn't sound good at all. So what to do...?

I did some research and ended up buying a guitar pedal (zoom) which can be used together with a PC. And what a difference that made! I was fairly happy, but still had the same old beats to play along to.

About a year later, i've bought an MPC500. A friend of mine bought one, and i was sold the moment when i've tried it for the first time. I bought one myself the next day.

Basically the MPC was just to make beats, but since it can do way more, i also started to become interested in sampling.

After some experiments with the MPC i felt like i need more instruments to make my own samples. Therefor, i've bought a bass and a digital piano (stage piano), both within the last two months. I don't have any experience with a bass, and the last time i've played piano (read: randomly pressed keys at the age of eight or nine years old) was when i was a kid. I always was a person who wants to do everything by myself, so i'm not really planning on taking lessons for those instruments either. Needless to say i'm making relatively slow progress therefor. I enjoy both instruments a lot however.

Until now, i create, play and record on a regular basis, but don't spend a lot of time on it. It's like it was with the guitar playing... i do this about once a week for a few hours (at best). It's not something i do to ever become professional at it or create something serious and "finished" (i often get bored of something and move on to other stuff). It's really just a hobby... it's not so much about the finished recording (i still enjoy them tho), it's more about making them (as i said, i love to play along to something, lol). Nevertheless, i always enjoy the time spent very much!

Instruments: Yamaha Classic Guitar, Cort Western Guitar, Gibson E-Guitar, Ibanez E-Bass, Roland Digital Piano.

Hardware: Zoom Guitar Effects Pedal, Zoom Bass Effects Pedal, Akai MPC500, Creative X-Fi something soundcard.

Software: Cubase LE, Audacity.

And finally, here's a few of my recordings (better cover your ears... *embarassment*):
Most recent one, and not really finished. I'll work a little more on this one... take apart the speech and sample it (so far it's unedited and not really synched). I'll also try to make more parts with different piano chords and according bass changes. The bass and piano is played by me and sampled on the MPC which i've also used to make the beat. It's not mastered or anything... something i never do usually, but this one isn't even adjusted well (volume of the bass, speech, beat, etc). So excuse the strong bass...

Here's a few more, randomly uploaded:
(notice on the right hand side, there's a box titled "related Jibber")

If you hear guitar, bass or piano, it's most likely played by me. The rest are random samples from the net or from sample archives.

I know that there are timing errors in many of those recordings, trust me, i hear them very well... the wrong notes aswell.
It's not that i wouldn't hear them, but i never really work on something... most of the time it's the 1st try at recording a line (guitar, piano, bass, whatever) which i will use (or use a part of it). As i said, it's just for fun.
- Experience and History

Grew up learning classical piano, made it to 6th Grade Pianoforte.

Different highschool bands, including the local Citizens band, playing Eb tenor horn, but I was more into playing rock with my friends in various incarnations of a cover band we had going. We did stuff from Led Zep, AC/DC, The Doors, etc.. I was too young to go to pubs but I got to play in them all the time.

These days I'm more into more fringe/experimental music, also I've been a member of a Javanese Gamelan Orchestra at Melbourne Uni, as well as playing in different bands of friends and doing the odd recording. A couple of days ago I played at a friends wedding- 'The Ship Song' by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. A few years ago I recorded with a band called the Sugar Sea Sound, which was a great popish rock band, nice catchy tunes..

I've done a bit of orchestral soundtrack music (Reason) for a stupid movie my friends and I made, and work on composing for myself every now and again, but I can never get anything finished.

Also had a little techno night going with a friend from Singapore, but that didn't have anything to do with actuall playing music. I wasn't even the DJ.
- Experience and History

Playing guitar for a few years by ear ( done my best but could never understand tabs )

though only really playing rythem... some songs i get straight away, some i don't

around a year ago i stopped and began getting my life and everything related back on track to the point where everything was manageable...

upto that point i was playing everything and anything....

youtube abuse came in rather handy when looking to increase my database of songs and help with over style...

and since ive found that ( *warning lerts'esk idealisim* ) Everything has a certin rythem to it, and that you have to be in tune or its a load of rubbish...

i can barely plug a string atm due to my fingers wreaked from working away and typing so should i get the time, the Axe has be chopping again !!

i need more distortion. !!
Artist Name
Paul Muir, lead singer and songwriter for Albany Down

The band plays classic rock, I write funky pop-rock

Experience and History
Wrote my first song a month after I learned to play guitar. Joined my first band when I was 18 and have been gigging ever since.

Singing - 28 years
Guitar - 12 years
Drums - 17 years
Keyboards - 20 years
Also do a bit of harmonica and I'll have a go at anything

Wireless Shure SM58
Wired Shure SM58
Marshall VS102R
Epiphone LP100
Couple of old cheapo keyboards
Yamaha drum machine of some kind
Yamaha reverb unit

I use Cakewalk 9 because I don't have a MIDI setup at home and the Piano Roll is really good for dragging and dropping notes.
CoolEdit Pro 2

Website of course

There is an Albany Down thread on here with all of our gigs posted, so not much point me posting any more here.
#8 - 5haz
Artist Name
Joe Shaw

Anything but 'indie'

Experience and History
Started playing bass 2 years ago, was in a band called 'Sex With An Appliance' (name was not my idea!) until I realised we were crap and left to learn bass properly, then started learning guitar 2 months ago.

Black n White Fender Precision Bass copy. (Boston)
Tobacco Sunburst Les Paul Copy. (Westfield)

Crappy Boston Amp.
Zoom G1 effects pedal.

But at the moment I love playing undistorted, because my guitar makes a lovely sound undistorted.

Nothing at all! Maybe EZdrummer in the future to make drum tracks.


I'm not very good at the moment but I'm learning fairly fast.
Artist Name .. eh, The Very End? Or , Tor Ole Lerbæk, since that's my real name

Genre Male

Experience and History Played giutar for 6 years, been in some bands, but mostly for hobby, nothing seriously

nstruments Guitar, mostly electric

Hardware Fradition or Tradition, hehe, never figured out what stands on the top of the guitar. Using Vamp2 box sometimes, but most of the times I use a metall box, do not remember name, but a equalizer with different channels and tunning options.

Software Using full version of guitar pro when learning songs

Website Again, playing as hobby, nothing serious so no website

Anything else you want to let us know about Hmm, well I tore off my left finger nail when I tried to learn some dragonforce song. Fun part it was only on 50-75% speed too ..
Just click my sig. I am anonymous anyway.
Quote from Dajmin :Artist Name
Paul Muir, lead singer and songwriter for Albany Down

The band plays classic rock, I write funky pop-rock

Experience and History
Wrote my first song a month after I learned to play guitar. Joined my first band when I was 18 and have been gigging ever since.

Singing - 28 years
Guitar - 12 years
Drums - 17 years
Keyboards - 20 years
Also do a bit of harmonica and I'll have a go at anything

Wireless Shure SM58
Wired Shure SM58
Marshall VS102R
Epiphone LP100
Couple of old cheapo keyboards
Yamaha drum machine of some kind
Yamaha reverb unit

I use Cakewalk 9 because I don't have a MIDI setup at home and the Piano Roll is really good for dragging and dropping notes.
CoolEdit Pro 2

Website of course

There is an Albany Down thread on here with all of our gigs posted, so not much point me posting any more here.

Love AlbanyDown how much for a signed T-Shirt and album Will pay P&P pm :P
Artist Name
Maple Town (formerly Flight 2039)

Hate to say it but you'd probably call it pop-punk.

Experience and History
Self-taught on guitar and vocals, started in early 2002 with 2 schoolmates (who also had no idea how to play). Generally been in the same band since then, had to put on hold twice due to life getting in the way but back for good now.

Bass (not in a band)


Have a listen, we've got an old EP uploaded on all 3 sites. It is downloadable for free from and will be on Myspace and iLike when I get round to it. And if you have any sad mates that still listen to blink-182 send them our way!
Does this count??
Attached images
Quote from Dajmin :Artist Name
Paul Muir, lead singer and songwriter for Albany Down

The band plays classic rock, I write funky pop-rock

Experience and History
Wrote my first song a month after I learned to play guitar. Joined my first band when I was 18 and have been gigging ever since.

Singing - 28 years
Guitar - 12 years
Drums - 17 years
Keyboards - 20 years
Also do a bit of harmonica and I'll have a go at anything

Wireless Shure SM58
Wired Shure SM58
Marshall VS102R
Epiphone LP100
Couple of old cheapo keyboards
Yamaha drum machine of some kind
Yamaha reverb unit

I use Cakewalk 9 because I don't have a MIDI setup at home and the Piano Roll is really good for dragging and dropping notes.
CoolEdit Pro 2

Website of course

There is an Albany Down thread on here with all of our gigs posted, so not much point me posting any more here.

Bit of a thread bump but just listened to some of your stuff on your band's side - its pretty amazing live stuff man! Certainly better than a lot of live tripe I've heard from mainstream bands these days!

Oh and what are those Shure mic's like? I've been thinking about getting one for general guitar recording and then when I'm not using it for that just hooked up to my mic as a skype/communicating thing.
The Shure SM58 is pretty much THE microphone.
- Artist Name
Stefan Alfons
- Genre
Mostly Metal, I suppose
- Experience and History
Guitar Hero since beginning of year, real guitar this summer.
- Instruments
Guitar Hero Guitar and Drums, at summer real (hopefully electric-)guitar
- Hardware
Not much except the instruments
- Software
Guitar Hero 3, World Tour, Rock Band 1 Frets on Fire (3gb songs)
- Website
- anything else you want to let us know about
I know GH is nothing like real guitar, but I WILL be learning it ,can promise you that

@TVE....:You mixed up Gender and Genre I suppose
- Artist Name - Syfoon, as well as some collab names.

- Genre - I tend to make UK hard trance and UK hardcore, but I am partial to cracking out a bit of house, breaks, donk (lol), hip hop, D&B, breaks, chill...

- Experience and History - Got into production through DJing. Starting mixing when I was about 16 which got me thinking about playing my own music. Didn't know where to start so I started low... Dance eJay. After a while, I got bored of preset sounds following set progressions and went on a hunt to replace the toy with something else, and that's how I found FL, back during the v3 days. Been an avid user since, and it's even gotten me into the studio to collab on a hardcore track with one of my favourite producers, K-Complex

- Hardware - Production wise, nothing of major mention. Few processing units for cleaning things up but that's it. Pretty tasty DJ setup.

- Software - FL Studio 8 (C'mon 9!) is the major one, with slabs of VSTs. V-Station, ABL, Nexus, Vanguard and Predator are some of my weapons of choice at the mo. Outside of the DAW, I use WaveLab and T:Racks Standalone.

- Website - Haven't updated it in an age, should do really.
Quote from mcintyrej :Bit of a thread bump but just listened to some of your stuff on your band's side - its pretty amazing live stuff man! Certainly better than a lot of live tripe I've heard from mainstream bands these days!

Cheers. We're currently looking for a decent producer to do our album this year so hopefully it'll be done by autumn Sneak info here - two new songs on the way, the gig-ending Take Me Home and funky Looking Out My Window.

Quote from mcintyrej :Oh and what are those Shure mic's like? I've been thinking about getting one for general guitar recording and then when I'm not using it for that just hooked up to my mic as a skype/communicating thing.

The SM58 is the classic muso mic, but more for vocals than instruments (although I use the wired 58 for instrument recording at home). It works, but the SM57 is the better old all-round all-purpose mic. There's plenty of new guitar-centric ones as well though. There's a cool new version of the 58 called the beta (or it was a few months ago) which has all the new higher response, better range, blah blah blah stuff that comes with upgrades. Oh, off-topic indeed.

You just reminded me that I need to update the AD thread
- Artist Name:
You can call me Rocks

- Genre:
Mostly Metal

- Experience and History:
Few years in a group with some friends, nothing serious

- Instruments:
Electric Guitar, but I can make some little things with bass and drums

- Hardware:
Ibanez SA, Parker P-30, V-AMP Pro, and a crappy 60W amp

- Software:
I used to make home recordings with Adobe Audition, but I've recently switched to Cubase SX . Guitar Rig 3 it's also a great piece of Software

- Website: If you want to listen a few covers check out my goear
Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction
Iron Maiden - The Evil that men do
Iron Maiden - Stranger in a strange land
- Artist Name
- Genre
All kinds, since not in a band
- Experience and History
expierence, well, i aint so good at guitar or drums but i think i play drums better.cant say im really good at playing drums but i can play some.

Guitar expierence, that aint so big. my bigbro has a guitar, and i have played a little too. can play some stuff on guitar too
- Instruments
drums, and guitar(yamaha, dunno the model)
- Hardware
- Software
- Website
- anything else you want to let us know about
i dont own drums, i live in a department and i think my neighbours wouldnt like me having drums. i play them at school and at my friends house too. also i play guitar hero on expert with drums alot, but that aint really like playing drums IMO. and i aint getting electric drums, that would cost alot if id want something thats actually good. and again to the guitar hero, i broke my drums, lost the recepiet so no warranty. im probaply getting these soon ... rumrocker_ortho_large.jpg
hopefully they bring a little more realism to guitar hero.
thats about it, no artist or anything but still like playing instruments
Quote from danthebangerboy :Does this count??

I dont think so. As it was discussed in my "musician" thread. Spinning the vinyl's doesnt mean that ur musician. Musician is who composes hes own songs or writes the lyrics - also known as producer. Like me

I've made a youtube channel sometime ago where i upload my beats. I still think i'm rather an amateur than really well experienced. However i highly enjoy making beats and also started sampling from vinyl. It has become my biggest hobby these days.
- Artist Name
Brandon Stace
- Genre
Metal, Blues, Hard Rock, Punk, Country
- Experience and History
Played guitar for around 5 years now. Written a few songs.

- Instruments
  • Gibson SG (black)
  • Vintage SG (red)
  • FLORIAN acoustic (Black)
  • Enigma Bass (Sunburst)
  • Epiphone Les Paul (Black)
  • Encore Stratocaster (Black)
- Hardware-
  • Marshall mini stack (30w)
  • Peavy -something- (15w)
  • Marshall mini amp (10w)
  • Laney Linebacker, Reverb (50w)
  • Digitech RP90 multi fx pedal with drum machine + Expression pedal
  • Zoom G2 multi fx pedal

LFS Forum Musicians
(414 posts, started )