Racing with a damaged car is bloody hard, but not as hard as slowly following the safety car with a bunch of pricks...
I felt a lot safer going 3 wide in t3 (that was fun!) than I did at the very rear of the pack (after I shifted up too early in the pitlane - whoops!). It wasn't safe at the front under restarts either, a lot of the time the leader pulled away then braked.
I made a few mistakes racing (racing with a damaged car is no excuse really) so sorry to anyone I hit, I know I was involved in starting at least 3 incedents, but whose fault they were I don't know. I really can't remember much of what I did, not enough for saying anything to be a good idea.
I hope the banhammer is used freely!

I saw a lot of small things, things that don't seem to be worth a report, if you think it's worth it Deko I'll make a list! There were also a lot of large things...
Can I make a request that chat rules are tightened up on vent? I was told that I should connect, but it got really seemed to have changed your minds about it (admins) because in a previous session we were told to keep it down, rather than have it as a place for open discussion. If you want to keep it like that fine, just don't tell people they should go in there!
Ugh, why the **** am I writing this...I'll watch the replay, sleep on it and mabye say some more things. I'm thinking about pulling out, I'll sleep on that too!
Anyway, I had a couple (literally) of nice laps, thank you. It takes alot to admin things like that, I appreciate the large amount of time spent adminning. Again, sorry anyone I directly or indirectly hit...
Highlight of the race?
(on vent)
Deko: I smell banhammer...
Someone: I smell TURD!
(or something like that...

Sueycide, you were also hit by people coming up on you! Sorry.

(Vagely suggestive? :razz
Lizard, you're giving everyone that set!

Well two people I know of, and both will probably be banned...hmm...
Ugh that race was embarrasing, the worst league ect race I've ever done.

Don't even know where I finished!