The online racing simulator
Arghhhhhhh g25 calibration
Ok this is really starting to shit me. I can't get my g25 calibrated properly, i mean for christ sake how hard can it be. The wheel on the game turns a million times quicker then the one in my hand, it's as if i get half a turn on my g25 to the full turn on the one in the game. What do i do i wanna start playing online damnit!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from nightojnr :Ok this is really starting to shit me. I can't get my g25 calibrated properly, i mean for christ sake how hard can it be. The wheel on the game turns a million times quicker then the one in my hand, it's as if i get half a turn on my g25 to the full turn on the one in the game. What do i do i wanna start playing online damnit!!!!!!!!!!!

go to options>controls>axes/FF>go to the axes menu thing on the right side>unlock axis>recalibrate>turn the wheel to lock one way then all the way around to lock on the other side and press all the pedals
my god u guys r awesome, thanks for them help, love u
I had an issue with my G25 initially, as well.

In the windows settings for it (under control panel->game controllers), it defaults to only 270 degrees of rotation and a combined throttle/brake axis.

Needless to say, those were NOT conducive to proper driving!
Just found this thread today, also setting up a G25 for the first time, had exactly the same problem. Had told the profiler that I had separate axes, but in LFS no amount of settings tweaking would stop throttle and brake from both using the RZ axis number 3. Sure enough, in Windows / Game Controllers, it was set as combined axes. Definitely one to watch for. All seems OK now!
Quote from nightojnr :Ok this is really starting to shit me. I can't get my g25 calibrated properly, i mean for christ sake how hard can it be. The wheel on the game turns a million times quicker then the one in my hand, it's as if i get half a turn on my g25 to the full turn on the one in the game. What do i do i wanna start playing online damnit!!!!!!!!!!!

That happens to me a lot, especially when i minimize LFS.

The way i fix it is to turn the wheel lock to lock and it calibrates again
Quote from RaceUK :That happens to me a lot, especially when i minimize LFS.

The way i fix it is to turn the wheel lock to lock and it calibrates again

Slight bump, but click "lock" above the axes in the "axes/FFB" menu in LFS. It'll hold the calibration if you minimize/alt-tab LFS
Quote from ReverendDexter :I had an issue with my G25 initially, as well.

In the windows settings for it (under control panel->game controllers), it defaults to only 270 degrees of rotation and a combined throttle/brake axis.

Needless to say, those were NOT conducive to proper driving!

That sucks cause I only have 240 degrees with combined axis with my Xbox 360 wheel.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Slight bump, but click "lock" above the axes in the "axes/FFB" menu in LFS. It'll hold the calibration if you minimize/alt-tab LFS

Thanks for that
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Slight bump, but click "lock" above the axes in the "axes/FFB" menu in LFS. It'll hold the calibration if you minimize/alt-tab LFS

I opened a thread for that recently but that doesn't work for me. LFS keeps unlocking the calibration every alt-tabbing and on every new start...
so sick of messing with this program, i've maybe been able to enjoy 10 min of it.

I've set the pedals to seperate and to report set brake to invert and also tried with inverted it won't the brake is always on. tried calibration but the first time i hit the brake pedal it inverts. steering is stupid. look like a good game its a shame LFS can't get the program to work correctly or have any kind of decent setup. took forever to understand wtf i was looking at in options. glad i didn't pay for this crap.

Quote from yourmom : look like a good game its a shame LFS can't get the program to work correctly or have any kind of decent setup. took forever to understand wtf i was looking at in options. glad i didn't pay for this crap.
