Hey, this is my wheel
I can wholeheartedly recommend it because it's very sturdy and durable. And unlike some of the Momos, I haven't had problems with the pedals going crazy after a while. In fact, I've used my first FF GP for almost 2 years before somehow the wheel itself became a little insensitive and jerky around the center. Got a new wheel&pedals then. The pedals on the new wheel had some problems after a year of intensive use, so I swapped the new pedals with my old pedals. To date, I'm still using the old pedals and the new wheel... they're still working perfectly.
It's a very precise and reliable wheel. The build quality visually is not the best, but it's still very sturdy and doesn't break easily.
I cannot comment on the Force Feedback because I've turned it off.
For the money, there's hardly anything that beats it! If you're looking for a cheap way to enter the joy of LFS, this is your way to go. If you happen to have more money, you
might be better off getting a Momo or DFP.
However, I cannot say I feel the need for a better wheel than the FF GP, so you might just be fine with it