IM a huge Ford enthusiast and dont get me wrong yes GWD is for pussies who cant handle a bit of fun but you got to understand its 2008 not 1970 when all the cars where RWD and awsome, All people these days want is safety etc etc (whatever imo)
but i can garentee you that withing 12 months Ford WILL HAVE TOO produce a 4wd focus RS, reason:
Rules of WRC, the new rules in WRC are that if a manufacturer want to apply a car in WRC they have to produce so many road going versions, and i just cant see a FWD car in WRC lol,
anyway, either way there will be a RWD/4WD version very shortly after they are produced which will be made by Companies such as Reyland,MPA motorsports etc etc list goes on....
but we will just have to wait and see, im hoping for one to be at Ford Fair next week, cant wait, shame my drift sierra cant make it
ill keep you posted with pics if there is one there