I thought the point of such a thread would be to list games which are bad, games which have been praised to be a big hit and then completely failed to deliver? Like Dirt and it's awful physics for example.
However, most people are posting great games, which for some reason, they personally don't like?
Well, maybe some good games are really rated a little too high. Example GTAIV... 10/10. Maybe that's too much? Since there are things which are not perfect aswell, details which could have been made better? So you could say it got a perfect score, while not being perfect?
Fact is, GTAIV is still a bloody brilliant game that yet has to see a rival that can keep up with it. Did it get a too high rating? Maybe yes. Is it an overrated game because of that? Definately not.
i think wow wast that overrated, but i just hate the fact that if you start playing it and want a 70 lvl guy you gotta deside witch one you want to lose. life or WoW...
As far as I know they try to make it more friendly for players that want to have a life outside the game aswell.
But again, that's pretty off topic if I am going to start that discussion, so let's just say ..uhm.. LFS is overrated!
TVE,sad to say, but i agree on that. lfs cant be ''the best racing game 4ever!''. things i think it needs to be that
.physics:well theyre the best
.graphics:lots of games beat lfs in that
.sounds:lots of games beat lfs in that
.multiplayer: its pretty good
.singleplayer: lots of games beat lfs in that
.AI:lots of games beat lfs in that
and more stuff im too lazy to write now
Multiplayer: "pretty good"? Show me another racing sim that comes close the LFS in the multiplayer department? Both in terms of netcode and interface/GUI. Although it doesn't look as fancy as a lot of other games do, LFS is great for multiplayer.
Singleplayer: LFS was never meant to be a single player game
AI: That's the same as singleplayer, isn't it? The AI is what makes Singleplayer "bad", but since LFS isn't meant to be a singleplayer game, that's not really a valid argument IMO.
But, you're right, LFS is a bit overrated, especially on this forum
i actaully tough id get badly flamed lol, but yea it isnt ment to be single player game, but if someone has problems in internet and wants to play lfs it comes very boring if he plays singleplayer
About netcode to LFS, it got some downsides aswell. If the server has a good ping and everyone , let's say 30 guests have a great time and latency, if then a lagger with xxxx MS lag joins the whole server will go SHIT. One lagger destroys the whole latency of the server, and that is a problem. Aswell as not beeing abel to pit, sometimes not chat or do anything while people connect - eh? There are some flaws about the netcode and how it's build up in LFS.
main thing being "not enough different cars and tracks"
I doubt you played it
I doubt it's highly rated in the first place
I doubt you know what "overrated is"
I doubt that "leetnes" has anything to do with being overrated/underrated
i think then the physics would suffer a bit. if they'd start making loads of cars i think they wouldnt be so well made. if they were iot would take lots of time
sorry if i get beaten up by vicious people now but for me its
definately Motorstorm. I played the demo on PS3 and i have to say that it's one of the worst games ever. I played one race and i immediately deinstalled the whole game.
I am happy that i got Mirrors' Edge in the start-bundle and not motorstorm!