The online racing simulator
{REQUEST} How to make Drifting Server!!
Hello all of you i know that we have a lot of topic about this But i can't understand the topics and the guides that includes So

How can i Create Simple my own Drifting Server i have LFS Lapper but the problems is that i don't know how to fix the Lapper to make the drifting server please Help me Guys!!
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Well from looking at your config i would say this is your problem

DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

Im pretty sure you can only use one or the other, so put a # in front of one of the lines


DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

But you can still have it do both things by setting one line like this i think

DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all

Hope that helps

look thx but i want one guide step by step from 0 to 100 how to make an LFSLapper drift server.... i want one good and sipme guide if anyone can help i appreciate that!
Quote from flatron_22 :look thx but i want one guide step by step from 0 to 100 how to make an LFSLapper drift server.... i want one good and sipme guide if anyone can help i appreciate that!

Using LFSLapper won't make your server a drift server - just allows you to set up some criteria (minimum speed, minimum and maximum angles) before you get a score to display, and if you keep within the specified criteria to the end of the lap, will then save your score.

Copy and paste following over the Drifting options part of your LFSLapper.lpr config file (at bottom)

Quote :
#Drifting options #
$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB.txt"; # This is the filepath for a file containing the collected data.
$MinimumDriftSpeed = 48; # Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score
$MinimumDriftAngle = 15; # Minimum angle to maintain. When angle is below value, score is reset
$MaximumDriftAngle = 100; # Maximum angle to maintain. When angle is above value, score is reset
$GoodDriftScore = 1200; # Value to be reached to execute action on good drift score
$MinimumDriftScore = 200; # Minimum drift score required
# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );
openPrivButton( "blank_back",1,45,46,25,3,5,32," " );
openPrivButton( "info_message",2,46,44,8,6,5,32,"^2I N F O R M A T I O N" . "&" . $Nickname);
openPrivButton( "on_driftpb",2,60,44,5,4,5,16,"^3has made new Personal Best"
. "&^3 of ^7" . $DriftScore . "^3 points" );
# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . " ^3drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts" );

Event GoodDriftAction()
privMsg( $Nickname . " ^3made excellent drift: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ." ^3pts" );

# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.

Event DriftTooLowAction()
openPrivButton( "blank_back",1,45,46,25,3,5,32," " );
openPrivButton( "info_message",2,46,44,8,6,5,32,"^2I N F O R M A T I O N" . "&" . $Nickname);
openPrivButton( "on_low_drift",2,60,44,5,4,5,16,"^3has been disqualified!"
. "&^3for having too low a score. );
cmdLFS( "/spec " . $Nickname };
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . "^1 Has been disqualified!" );

See how you get on.

Change minimum speed, angles, etc., to suit your own preferences.

Elsewhere on this forum, I've put my DriftMaster code for a drift scoreboard. Use that also if you want.

Good luck.

PS As always, before you change your Lapper script, keep a backup of your existing (working) script!