It's an exploit of the dds file type. Skins used to be JPGs. This 'bug' opened up with the introduction of dds skins to improve "pit-out" stutter. It was not the devs intention to allow see through skins or sunroofs or wonderwoman cars.
The directX modules pick up the ALPHA layer when you put as the filename end. I'm sure this can be turned off somehow, and it probably will get turned off no doubt.
many reasons not to let this go ahead..
- Uploading dds file would be end up with skinfiles becoming too large. For any decent resolution (at least 1024x1024) the dds file need to be larger than 2mb.
- The 'bug' itself causes really ugly graphic glitches (missing polygon sides) which wouldn't look professional in a comlpeted product.
- The sunroofs/invisible panels are not see through from the interior views.
I guess this is my fault?