The online racing simulator
I made it....
(57 posts, started )
Lol keyboard rlz
btw:You can send me your g25 if u want
Wow,most realistic race simulator ever :P
Hi. My name is Jack Thompson. Could you please send me your phone number and home adress?

Oh and BTW, where are all those people asking for LFS to simulate driver injuries?
/me noticed strange noices coming from his sholder when he got his g25.

I think that my thumb has cracked atleast twice a day since i got my g25. Oh god imagine the force dynamics seat hit a wall and break your neck if you don't ware a harness.
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :In yesterdays GTCC race on Kyoto Long rev I had an impact in the chicane on the Oval.... my G25 got a huge bang and i heard a "CRACK" in my hand...
This morning i waked up early cause i wanted to visit my mom in hospital... I looked at my thumb and it flashed in all colours...
I drove to the hospital and before i visited my mom i went to the emergency room. They made an X-Ray of my hand and the final diagnosis was: THUMB BROKEN

Oh man, never thought that it can happen in a Videogame!


EDIT: I have won the race

WOW broke ur thumb playing lfs well done and atleast you won the race . Hope ur thumb heals soon.
#33 - neRu
Get well - both you and your mom.
And i hope you dont mind me asking, whats wrong with your mom?
#35 - AW06
Quote from Luke.S :/me noticed strange noices coming from his sholder when he got his g25.

I think that my thumb has cracked atleast twice a day since i got my g25. Oh god imagine the force dynamics seat hit a wall and break your neck if you don't ware a harness.

Ouch, death my driving sim lol that would make the evening news.

Get well soon and get back to racing, i think ill turn down my ffb now too.
Massive Respect

Hardcore sim racing indeed, lol

ps - and you won the race.......this boy is tough stuff
if u don't need your shifter anymore cause of your thumb can i have it?
Quote from Luke.S :if u don't need your shifter anymore cause of your thumb can i have it?



They actualy teach you to put your thumbs up durring situations where the wheel could pull out of your hands, mostly on off roading though.

People who are new to off roading sometimes leave the first run with broken thumbs because they didn't listen to the warning.
Would have been more manly if the crack had happened half way through the race. Still, erm, congratulations?
#41 - Migz
Quote from CobraDrifter :Wow,most realistic race simulator ever :P

Nowhere near In real life if you had a big impact you wouldnt break your thumb, you'd probably break half your body.
we need more ff! and we need vibrating chairs, and pedals that push against us, and an airbag in our wheels!
Once we have that, then this will be the mose realistic sim + hardware ever!
At least we are the first sim to (poorly) simulate driver injuries.
Download LFS
*Warning* You may get hurt.
Quote from Bob Smith :Would have been more manly if the crack had happened half way through the race. Still, erm, congratulations?

it was half race
it was shortly before my pit stop in minute 55 and the race had 2 hours

edit: here are the stats... you can see that i havent found back to my pace after the pitstop in the graph at the end... ... ts/grid1/race3/index.html
g25 the new non-lethal weapon?
What I've learned driving trucks off-road in the army, or what I've been told, is not to keep your thumbs inside the wheel because when you drive in a bump you might get them broken when the wheel swings around, and it sure can do that.

Meanwhile Scavierge will once again laugh in evil manner in their layer and check off one part of their achievements list. Next on the list is a flying thumb. Should watch out because I'm running even higher ff-values...

Speedy healing btw.
just thought back to this

i think that is the most curious thing happened in LFS ever
my thumb is stiff now and i can never move it agein, so cheers
And then there were peepz complaining that I didnt use FFB :hide:
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :
my thumb is stiff now and i can never move it agein, so cheers

*poof* - there goes your career as world famous piano player...

my gf once had the bright idea to put her hand losely into the wheel shortly before i switched on the computer.

when she recoverd - boy, i had to run....
Well ... Atleast the G25 didn't break ...

I made it....
(57 posts, started )