go here and find out http://www.liveforspeed.net/countdown/ . But the sad part is that since your are demo, you wont be able to drive, so get urself 45 USD and buy the game, its damn worth it!!!
Comon now, its not expansive, how much do you usally pay for games? I mean decent games. Plus the amount of time versus money invested is the one best ones around. I been playing this game for a year now, but some people have been playing for 3 and maybe 4 years, wich game you played this long?
honestly dont buy only s1, buy s2 because bearly any1 plays s1
Read this : http://www.liveforspeed.net/?page=moreabout
Take a look on the website damnit THe lincese is what you pay for, s1 lincense gets me 4 tracks and 8 cars i think, in s2 you get s1 content plus 3 new track and 10 new cars. But each track has variations, so lots of possibilities. You really should that a look on the website, there is lots of info there
How on earth did you end up on this forum? Do you even know what LFS is. We welcome new players, but normally have at least a vague idea why we're here.